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Looking for a PDF User Manual for a Bell & Howell 613H
Thanks Maurice the top links great, I have had a few manuals from camera manual but the pictures seem to be too dark on most of them. Hence the preference for PDF.
I have used Oldtimer Cameras for many years, it is true that some pictures are rather dark, probably due to inferior originals (?).
However, we must pay them credit for having such a vast collection of manuals, which, in the main, are usually quite acceptable.
This is true, however in this case I brought the manual, received the PDF all all was good, I then opened the screen which came with the original projector only to find I now have 2 copies of the 613 manual, an original that was wrapped in the screen and a PDF copy. Ah well Cest la vie
You can never have enough manuals (unless you are my other half in which case "this flat is not big enough as it is!".)
I am trying to gather a comprehensive manual library for the older kit before it vanishes completely and make them freely available hence , along with the physical space, is why I try to get PDF.
If Camera manuals would supply PDF they would be the place to go for me every time.