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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

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  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

    Hi, everyone.

    I would like to know if the Bryanston Pictures logo from the original release of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is present in some 8 mm and 16 mm prints (the film was shot in 16 mm). It is not on DVD or Blu-ray.

    I'm pretty sure I read that opening logo was on some prints. But in this youtube video of an 8mm print it does not appear.

    Can anyone confirm this?
    Last edited by Frank Olean; April 29, 2022, 04:00 AM.

  • #2
    I believe there were two Super 8 feature length releases, one slightly edited, perhaps the longer one still has the Bryanston logo. I only have the last two parts (last 600ft) so cannot say.


    • #3
      I own the 5x400’ unedited feature version of TCSM on Super 8mm and it does indeed include the very 70’s looking Bryanston pictures logo.
      Hope that helps.


      • #4
        Thank you very much for your replies. I found here the old thread where the Bryanston logo was discussed:;f=4;t=000012

        There was even a youtube video where you could see that logo:


        I just found that super-cool BRYANSTONE PICTURES logo from the original release of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

        If you saw the movie at theaters when it was released, or own one of the super-8 prints from Iver Films in the 70's, I'm sure you will remember it.

        Its ashame that none of the video or DVD releases have kept the logo. It was such a part of that time period.

        If you whish, you can view the logo at-



        But now that youtube video is no longer available. I would love to see that logo, all the prints I find (besides DVDs and Blu-rays) start with:

        a vortex/henkel/hooper production

        Ricky Daniels, would it be possible for you to record that logo while projecting the movie and upload it to youtube or similar? I mean the first few seconds of the movie until:

        "The film which you are about to see..."

        I think the color of the letters is orange on the original prints instead of yellow as on Blu-ray. They have changed the color in some scenes since its release on Laserdisc.

        I don't know if James N. Savage 3 is around this new forum, if so I would ask him if he could re-upload the video but the old thread is closed.


        • #5
          Umit in London runs his full length print , complete version , on super 8mm most Halloweens at the cinema and it still looks good ,
          colour wise , and it has the logo .
          A dealer here in the UK has a great 16mm print , a few splices on at the start of reel two , and again it has the logo .
          Maybe it is a copyright issue .?



          • #6
            Hi Frank,
            I’ve only just seen your request, I’ve been pretty busy of late!
            I’m sure I can do that but it will have to wait for now as I’ve been busy restoring the externals of my 200 year old house.
            I’ll have a go for you once my current projects are completed, hopefully around the end of the month.
            Also, as far as I can recall the logo is indeed Orange.


            • #7
              It was also on the IVER 4x400’ super 8 release


              • #8
                Hi Frank,
                Just to let you know I’ve not forgotten you but my building work is currently taking priority.
                I’ll sort that logo clip once works here are nearer to completion.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ricky Daniels View Post
                  Hi Frank,
                  Just to let you know I’ve not forgotten you but my building work is currently taking priority.
                  I’ll sort that logo clip once works here are nearer to completion.
                  Maybe youtube does not allow to upload that video because of copyright reasons.

                  I think Vimeo allows it, anyway, anyone can send me that video by private message.

                  I would like to see that logo, its color and the first 2-3 minutes of the movie. I have a feeling that the color timing of all blu-ray releases is completely different from the original. Some scenes are now YELLOW.

                  Thanks to everybody.


                  • #10
                    Finally, I found a lost print inside my 300 year old house.

                    Thank you for your help.

