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Hi can any body help my Elmo cl when in rewind the feed reel turns anti clockwise and the rear turns clockwise putting a load on the feed reel when in rewind.
If you don't hold the take up reel at the start of rewind the film starts to spool off.
From my faint memory when put in rewind mode the (now full) take-up reel would slowly spin counterclockwise, while the empty supply reel would also spin at MUCH FASTER speed - outpacing the take-up.
I remembered an extreme case when the take-up spool's hub diameter is much larger than the supply's (100' vs 1600' - sort of), so that the take-up did outpace the supply instead. In less extreme case their speed would be so close at the beginning that might cause loose rewind at the start. When rewinding for a while the supply diameter gets larger then catch up and eventually outpace the take-up in the end.
Thanks for that it's fine if I hold it untill the rewind starts but also when you try to rewind with the film in the projector it only gets half way and stops moving not that I do that as a rule.
Barry Webb Is your take-up spindle silver or dark-gray? ... or is it white plastic?
If it's the silver/dark-grey spindle then it will have the old style flat smooth belt that deteriorates and no longer provides enough tension on the arm pulley.
You can get a rear-arm upgrade kit that will replace the pulley to use a toothed belt. I've done this with a couple of my Elmo 16CLs. It's an easy installation.
Thanks for that Janice it's the white one with tooth belt.
It must be the way they work just strange to see the take up reel turn anti clockwise in rewind it just that if I don't hold it before putting in rewind otherwise it trys to spool of untill the supply reel plays catch up.
I guess I always hold the takeup reel so there isn't a big tug on the film when it starts to rewind. A couple times I didn't and it snapped the film. It becomes a habit on this projector...I don't think about it any more.