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Broken plastic screw gear. Bell & Howell 1585 and 1592
Broken plastic screw gear. Bell & Howell 1585 and 1592
Bummer. Dug out my old projectors to transfer some old B&W films that show vinegar syndrome and, well, I didn't get anywhere. Is it possible or even worth it to replace these gears?
Thanks for that link, Larry. I haven't tried taking it out yet so I don't know how complicated it is - but, yeah, the 1592 in particular looks tricky. I found this offer from a guy here in Chicagoland. Has anyone here tried this?
The 1585 does not have a still function, whereas the 1592 does, the worm shown is for non-still projectors. They will fit a still model, but the still function will not work
Having said this, as Alan says, it's akin to rebuilding the whole machine. It's not just stripping everything down, fitting the new worm, and then rebuilding, it's the setting up which is the final problem.
Special tools are recommended, and I suggest that the idea of replacing the worm/s should definitely not be considered.
Look for an Eiki for a replacement projector, no problems with worms on these projectors.
Thanks for the video, Alan. It is perfect for my needs. I ordered an aluminum worm gear from Mr. Ubanski and will confirm whether or not it can allow the Still Frame function. I'm confident the repair isn't beyond what I can do, but if I find the project too difficult I'll shop around for the Eiki Maurice kindly suggested.
A side question that may be more appropriate in another thread: after soaking film in Mr. Ubanski's FilmRenew, how do you let it dry? The short amount of time I've given towards Googling the answer suggests users just leave it wound up and let it dry. I'm afraid the film would stick together. Time for me to spend more time on the answer.
Derek, That Youtube link that was posted here is my tutorial,i live in the Chicagoland area and if interested i can rebuild that projector if you are interested?Message me here and I will send you my email contact.