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Hello guys.
My siemens 2000 silent motor suddenly stopped. The lamp still works. In the user manual "brushes" are mentioned, but i have no idea where they are. Here's the back side:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
There is a light hum when the motor should run yes. No bind, as you can move with you hand correctly. Btw, i should have said "brushes" before. Already corrected it.
What voltage are you using and depending on that does the big resistor behind the lamp glow more than usual? Also have you looked at the make and break contacts at the back of the motor to see if the adjustment has slipped and they no longer touch?
Suggest you look at the website 'olafs-16mm-kino.de' which has vast amounts of technical data for the Siemens 2000 projectors. Wiring diagrams, service instructions etc. The actual documents are in German but I have used online translation on sections I was interested in.