Big Buck Bunny (code-named Project Peach) is a 2008 short computer-animated comedy film featuring animals of the forest, made by the Blender Institute, part of the Blender Foundation.
The plot follows a day in the life of Big Buck Bunny, during which time he meets three bullying rodents: Frank the flying squirrel (the leader), Rinky the red squirrel, and Gimera the chinchilla (his sidekicks). The rodents amuse themselves by harassing helpless creatures of the forest by throwing fruits, nuts, and rocks at them.
When the rodents kill two butterflies with an apple and a rock, and then attack Bunny, he sets aside his gentle nature and orchestrates a complex plan to avenge the two butterflies.
Using a variety of traps, Bunny first dispatches Rinky and Gimera…..
Directed by Sacha Goedegebure
Produced by Ton Roosendaal
Written by Sacha Goedegebure
Music by Jan Morgenstern
Release date
April 10, 2008 (Amsterdam premiere)
Running time 10 minutes
Country Netherlands
This is a funny 6 minute version of the 10 minute creative common original. The original starts out a bit lengthy, while the short version after the marketing-film logo gets to the point faster. Stunning colors on Kodak polyester footage.
The plot follows a day in the life of Big Buck Bunny, during which time he meets three bullying rodents: Frank the flying squirrel (the leader), Rinky the red squirrel, and Gimera the chinchilla (his sidekicks). The rodents amuse themselves by harassing helpless creatures of the forest by throwing fruits, nuts, and rocks at them.
When the rodents kill two butterflies with an apple and a rock, and then attack Bunny, he sets aside his gentle nature and orchestrates a complex plan to avenge the two butterflies.
Using a variety of traps, Bunny first dispatches Rinky and Gimera…..
Directed by Sacha Goedegebure
Produced by Ton Roosendaal
Written by Sacha Goedegebure
Music by Jan Morgenstern
Release date
April 10, 2008 (Amsterdam premiere)
Running time 10 minutes
Country Netherlands
This is a funny 6 minute version of the 10 minute creative common original. The original starts out a bit lengthy, while the short version after the marketing-film logo gets to the point faster. Stunning colors on Kodak polyester footage.