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Hello, I am on the lookout for a decent, and early Eumig 600 ft Take-up reel that will fit my Eumig Mark S Super 8 projector. I just recently ordered 3 600 ft reels for showing my home movies for longer playing time. But, it would be nice to have an original Eumig reel. If anyone has one for sale let me know, thanks....
Shane are those the old Eumig wire type reels that you are looking for?
No the original gray plastic take-up reels that came with the early Eumigs. I have several 400 ft reels, but I am upgrading to the larger 600 ft reels so I can splice more home movies together.
I have a Eumig 600 ft reel and can. Unfortunately, it is filled with Debbie and Somebody’s else’s wedding Birmingham 1986. Beautiful colour and sound. Some day I need to unravel it. As Winbert says shipping would be horrendous so hopefully somebody close to hand will sort you out.
Thanks Winbert, and Mike! I'm sure one will pop up soon! In the mean time I do have a new 600 ft reel made by Tuscan coming in the mail soon. That will work just fine until I can locate an original!
Those spools are identical (if I'm not mistaking) to the Posso ones and, in my opinion didn't pass the "test time" as many of those spools fail to take the film in automatic loading projectors. I have the feeling that it was not the cas when bought new (but I have no idea what could explain a kind of "degradation"). The trouble with their design is that you cannot easily access the center, so when the film doesn't hold by itself (which, I found happens often), it's not practical at all to do it with your fingers.
Those spools are identical (if I'm not mistaking) to the Posso ones and, in my opinion didn't pass the "test time" as many of those spools fail to take the film in automatic loading projectors. I have the feeling that it was not the cas when bought new (but I have no idea what could explain a kind of "degradation"). The trouble with their design is that you cannot easily access the center, so when the film doesn't hold by itself (which, I found happens often), it's not practical at all to do it with your fingers.
Interesting Dominique! I have a few Posso reels that I recently bought, and they seem to be OK, so far. Although, I'm about to transfer all my home movies to the new Tuscan reels I recently purchased. Those reels are the 600 ft ones. The Tuscan reels are black and brand new. I'm just looking for the original Eumig take-up reel to complete my collection. But, if I can't locate one the Tuscan reels will be just fine. The photo below (courtesy of Joseph Banfield) is the reel I am looking for. They were originally supplied with the first Standard 8 Eumig Mark S as a 400 ft reel. Later, a 600 ft reel was introduced, as an accessory, for the Eumig Mark S Super 8 projector.