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Welcome to the Forum. Since my definition of classic features ("Twins of Evil"!) might be different than yours, please add a few titles so we know just what you're looking for. Thanks!
Thanks Douglas for your reply. I am looking for something like Hello, Dolly 1969; my fair lady 1964; Gone with the wind 1939; Letter from unknown woman 1948; any of Shirley Temple colored features. These are the classics I look for and I mean complete movie not shorts 400ft or trailers. I know that this may be hard but its not impossible.
My Fair Lady was not released full length on Super 8. Only the Trailer and a behind the scenes short reel. There was not even a 400ft cutdown. Hope this helps.
I'm often hesitant to say what has not been released on Super 8 because it's sometimes surprising what turns up, but I can't recall ever coming across 'Letter' or Shirley Temple features. But as you may know, Derann did release 'Gone' although even then it was an expensive buy!
The Little Princess (Shirley Temple) color feature was actually released as a color super 8 release. However, while a number of companys released this (Niles, Thunderbird), they were printed on quick fade Eastman film stock and are faded by now. However, I have ended up finding low fade prints of faded titles, so it might be possible.