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Star Wars Scope

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  • Star Wars Scope

    Here we go again look at the starting price not mine

  • #2
    Looks like a very nice print!


    • #3
      Does seem to be the holy grail of super 8mm but not that rare derann made quite a few prints of it.


      • #4
        And another...!
        Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Super 8 Star Wars Derann Komplettfassung bei eBay. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel!


        • #5
          A number of S8 collections have been sold over here as well probably another effect of el Covid sadly in 2020. Treated myself to a smallish one which included Die Hard amongst others a film we are both fond of.


          • #6
            Star Wars is pretty much the only super 8 print that people who don't even own a projector, will pay rediculously high prices for, just to own Star Wars on celluloid, which means, if collectors are not careful, all Star Wars super 8 prints will be owned by fans who wouldn't know a projector from a hole in the ground. Now, how does this go in my Blu-ray player?


            • #7
              Well, this is the best available „old“ original version without any digital changes made. So I think that STAR WARS on Super-8 is more than special to the collectors. To me, too: whenever I screen the film the audience is overwhelmed.
              The STAR WARS cutdowns are a still very sought of and were always a selling success.
              And to a lot of collectors this still will be the top of their collection.
              And I have to say that the print which opens this thread looks amazingly „new“!


              • #8
                Yeah , that's Adam Deierling's print , so it's going to be in top - notch condition and well cared for .


                • #9
                  Thanks Dave! Yes, it is my print. If anyone has any questions about it please let me know.


                  • #10
                    Hi Oliver. You can actually get a new blu ray from a group of cultural heritage film fans which is the complete original film version and really quite superb have to say from a new 4k scan. Think I mentioned it on here before. On the bay item 184420872326
                    Many moons ago when collectors were expressing concern of no new prints star wars was always mentioned. Today we have some beautiful super 8 new titles on offer and more promised, I would expect to see some tremendous new titles in 2021 and these are of course very collectable.

                    Empire Strikes Back is also a fantastic watch on Super 8 complete in Scope.
                    Take care all
                    Last edited by Lee Mannering; November 24, 2020, 01:44 PM.


                    • #11
                      Oliver, it should be noted that while Derann did put out that great Star Wars release, it was taken from a French re-release from 1982, (according to the leader), and so. It is an already "corrected" Star Wars. However, an honestly unknown distributor released the original 1977 release in scope, and while the print and color quality isn't quite up to the Derann, (it is l.p.p. however), it is awesome to be able to own the un-retouched Star Wars that I actually saw on that big screen in 1977!


                      • #12
                        Yes, I heard the Derann release has the Episode IV A New Hope title so not the original. All this almost make me wish I had bought a copy of it at an open day, but I could only afford one, but not quite as I decided on Goldfinger instead.


                        • #13
                          It happens Brian

                          The 4K77 restoration project BR is well worth seeking if you want to see the original. The film starts with the Certification then on from there quite amazing work from dedicated people.

                          A couple of snaps off the panel, sorry about the reflections sun came out.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	20201125_140425.jpg
Views:	362
Size:	59.2 KB
ID:	21524Click image for larger version

Name:	20201125_140703.jpg
Views:	329
Size:	42.2 KB
ID:	21525 They are working on Empire at the moment and still fund raising.

                          Going back to Empire we enjoy that in S8 Scope with all the rushed and un-perfected special effects and another nice print from outside the UK.
                          The S8 feature of New Hope was a bit of a bench mark at the time and also a nice one to project in the home Kinema.


                          • #14
                            I might be wrong, but as far as I know the only difference between the 1977 and the 1980 re-release is adding the „A New Hope“ title and some changes „only“ in the english sound. (The german sound kept untouched.)
                            So there are no digital changes in the film itself which means it is the original version; no?
                            Anyway, the print offered here by Adam is a beautiful print and will make some collector very, very happy!
                            All the best


                            • #15
                              sold for $1500.00

