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I am looking for the Apprentice sorcerer (Disney) in sound cooler super 8 - with nice colors.
Most of the time, the prints are reddish : if someone has a good quality print, I am interested !
Thank you
Best regards
It might be relisted, but there was one on eBay and in stereo! The color was pretty good, but this was one of the WDHM that had slightly "iffy " negative quality, (which was a rarity, as WDHM tended to have great negative quality) and so, perfect blacks won't be found, except on the very least are UK prints that made it onto low fade film stock.
I see the WDHM version show up through Steve Osborne/The Reel Image every so often. (Which is nice, as you'll get an accurate heads-up as to the print quality before you decide to invest. I've gotten burned a couple of times on eBay recently with film purchases.) And usually the box is in fantastic shape.
Unless there were low fade prints done outside of the U.S. , all of them will have fade. However, the original source negative used by WDHM did not have perfect blacks. This is evident from the fade out of the title cards to the first frames of the Sorcerer, in which we see no actual blacks. One of my friends in Italy has a low fade print
Come to think of it, wasn't there a Derann release of the Sorcerers Apprentice, to fit in with they're Fantasia releases, and on low fade film stock? I think that it was letterboxed as well, to fit with "Fantasia 2000". Can anyone confirm?