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Looks like I will have keep looking, it’s very rare to even find anything on standard 8 sound these days. There must be loads of stuff out there, after all in the early days of mag sound before Super 8 hit the market there were lots of libraries and prints of features were been knocked out for sale or hire. Always loved the gauge , used to use a Bolex K1 and with Kodachrome 2 the results were outstanding. My projector was Eumig 810 HQS , this I bought the Saturday before VAT was introduced on the following Monday.Shot miles of footage ,some I mag striped to add music effects etc. All my home movies I have transferred to DVD. Kept all the original film and it still projects well with no colour probs.
The only feature I know is I MARRIED A WOMAN with George Gobel and Diana Dors. Then there are the squeezed Columbia one reel Japanese monster movies,plus I have found two Film Office Disneys, "Ragged Bear" and "Bearly Asleep" in b&w sound.
Thanks to members who responded. It looks as though they are thin on the ground. The only scope film I have is one (100ft) I shot on my Bolex K1 with a large anamorphic lens attached via a homemade bracket, the results were epic, even better when I use my Kodak 8 with HID lighting and f1.1 Emig prime lens. I always loved filming using K2, fabulous colours and pin sharp definition. Can't wait for the Cine fairs to kick in again, always on the lookout for something interesting.
The 200' version of Columbia's "First Men in the Moon" is in Scope, I've had that a few times on Standard 8, although it's not stated on the box, perhaps a lab oversight, who knows, but it's definitly squeezed throughout the reel.
There is a post on Facebook I noticed from a chap who ran a film library way back when.
Had the rights to a film called “Black zoo“ And had two prints made of that in standard eight, colour and sound. Sadly he has no idea where it is now