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  • #16
    In fact my copy of Nosferatu starts in Bremen, Germany at his home and then moves along to the real estate office where he receives his travel orders. He returns back to his home for a bit of sappy sentiment before moving on to Transylvania. Those scenes take up most of half of the first reel. I did notice that his shaving scene at the inn has been removed but did not notice anything else missing but then again, it's pretty rare that I look at my DVD copy so there could be more slight edits that I'm not aware of.


    • #17
      My print starts with some information cards about the film and a hint to the mirror at the end of the feature, where Nosferatus reflection is visible. Then the story starts with Jonathan’s arrival at the inn.


      • #18
        The Collector's club version has no information cards, just the opening credits. I also had another version of Nosferatu on standard 8 that was 3x400' with no splices at all but was zoomed in too far that some of the intertitles were not readable as well as cropping off most of the actors heads. I don't know who released that version but quickly disposed of it in favor of the much fuller frame Collectors Club version. Ironically both versions had identical content. There were a couple of other condensed versions released on a single 400' reel. One was issued by Blackhawk and another was available from a magazine that cut all the Renfield scenes and had a different ending.


        • #19
          A different ending? A Happy End…???!!


          • #20
            I don't know as I've never seen that cutdown version. That version has been discussed on this forum or perhaps the old and it was mentioned that the 400' version once available from a magazine had a different ending than the 400' cutdown that Blackhawk released.

