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Xanadu still wanted!

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  • Xanadu still wanted!

    Must be one of those low fade prints. I don't know if they were just lpp, or Agfa as well.

  • #2
    I've not seen this title advertised in a long time and they tend to be red or pink. Good look in your search Osi.


    • #3
      This Universal title, along with one or two others, were reprinted by Red Fox Films ( I believe ), and on LPP film stock. They're out there, they are just hard to find.


      • #4
        I have seen low fade prints of this title but still look like they have been filmed through Vaseline and are grainy.


        • #5
          There seems to be a lot of super 8 like that, i guess technology has come a long way now but possibly too late for super 8.
          I have a fair few 8mm films, many being from the 70s early 80s and a lot of those cut downs look like how you described Mike. I'm still enjoy watching my films but am losing the enthusiasm i use to have, especially when i visit my Sons house as he projects Blu rays only. Two worlds miles apart.


          • #6
            Well, the Universal 8 digests were always fairly grainey, whether original or reprints. I have bought three of the new digests from this last year, printed on this new Kodak filmstock and apparently great negative material, and you'd swear that they are very good 16mm!


            • #7
              I believe the master material used for Universal prints was several generations down fro the originals. I remember a reviewer saying the=at the 1x400ft prints of films that also had a 2x400ft version were noticeably grainier.


              • #8
                That's a shame, as one would think that the 1x400ft would be a further generation down than the longer 2x400ft.


                • #9
                  I worded or punctuated that badly, as that is what I meant. The 1x400ft was a generation down and grainier.

