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March to April Independent 8 lists now online

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  • March to April Independent 8 lists now online

    My updated lists are now available to view online, just go to the and follow the link to the Independent 8 pages. There's quite a few new films listed, and the usual discounts on OLD STOCK 8mm films, and the continuation of some reductions on the Equpment page.

  • #2
    Hi Barry, don't know if it's my eyes but I couldn't see anything. It looks like the writing is in white, on a very light background, sorry if it's me.


    • #3
      Dear Del,

      I just checked on my PC, it looks OK to me, white lettering against a black background, as it's always been on the BFCC site, Del send me your address and I'll send you a free paper copy, how's that (as they say in Cricket!).


      • #4
        When I have trouble with things like that I try a select all (control a) after highlighting part of the text which will give different colours and often improves visibility.


        • #5
          I have to say I would like to read your lists but I can’t look at that white lettering on a black background it
          makes my eyes go funny. I find it almost impossible to read and give up. Perhaps a green background ?


          • #6
            I'm afraid I have no control on how it's presented, as it's put up as a favour for me, but I will ask if anything can be done.


            • #7
              As I said earlier, for me, highlighting (moving the mouse over the text with shift pressed) gives blue text on a white background - much easier on my eyes.


              • #8
                Thanks Barry, this is what I am seeing on my laptop

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Independent 8.png
Views:	277
Size:	254.9 KB
ID:	77041


                • #9

                  Here's a reply from John Clancy who puts them onto the BFCC site for me - What people could do is copy the entire page into clipboard and paste it into a text or word processing document. Then they could enlarge the text to whatever size they want and they'd have black text on a white background. This is simple to do - highlight the whole web page of text and then press CTRL+C -> open Microsoft Word or Notepad or whatever software anyone uses and then press CTRL+V to paste the text in. Try sending any moaning minnies that set of instructions and see if they can cope with it.

                  I'm not a PC expert, so I have no idea if this works, but if you think you are up to having a go, it may just be a simple solution (I'm saying simple, as a non PC expert, that is!)


                  • #10
                    I find that using the "Zoom In" option (For me, that's under "View" in the menu bar) helps.


                    • #11
                      Very good advice from John on that. I usually will enlarge the text on my cellphone, but cut and pasting the whole list and uploading that to my PC would work even better for me.

