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Looking for scope Tom and Jerry!

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  • Looking for scope Tom and Jerry!

    Two in particular, ",Pups on a Picnic", and, " Muscle Beach Tom".

  • #2
    Osi-You will most likely only find faded copies as mine are both faded.


    • #3
      If they are Cineavision I expect very faded SP like the other T&J cartoons I have forom them. I don't know if Derann ever reprinted them, if so there is a chance of a good copy.


      • #4
        I must have just been lucky as, except for "Blue Cat Blues", which has a slight fade, the others are just fine, color wise, but as soon as I bought them, I started storing them well. I will agree that most of them found on eBay and otherwise, are faded these days.


        • #5
          Hi Osi,
          It could be worth looking out for the French Film Office releases, the majority of their releases were produced on Agfa stock.
          I have about thirty five of them, with two of them in scope and they all look as good as the day they were printed.
          They also produced some of them with optical sound !
          Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20230317_130234.jpg
Views:	268
Size:	113.5 KB
ID:	76816


          • #6
            Just curious Steve, (not asking to buy), what are the scope releases you have? Curiously, while Walton's releases looked better and we're on low fade Agfa, sadly, they were also edited to an extent, so, it was catch 22, get the full length version from MGM films, but on quick fade Eastman, or get the Walton's with lovely color, but edited.


            • #7
              I don't no if you can see this link Osi, but good prints of "Muscle Beach" are around. If I come across another one I will send it to you.


              • #8
                Hi Osi,
                The two scope Tom and Jerrys that I have are Happy Go Ducky and Feedin' the Kiddie, they are both complete from start to finish. All of the Film Office releases seem to be complete no matter what the cartoon is, you can run them side by side with a video and find there is nothing missing.
                The only thing that the Film Office did was to remove the MGM trade mark and to replace it with their own, at the same time keeping the soundtrack. All of the soundtracks are original in English.

                I did look into this topic some time back, It seems that most of the film company's in France used Agfa stock, it seems logical. With Agfa being produced in Germany, and Germany being down the road from France, it was cheaper than importing Kodak from the U.S.
                It's only now with hindsight that this was a good decision.


                • #9
                  And shows that French companies have forgotten any bad feelings about 2 World Wars with German invasions. In the '70's I doubt if many Dutch comanies would have used Agfa if they had people like the Philips trainer we had for some equipment we had at work.


                  • #10
                    Graham, great video you posted, and thank you very much, I look forward to that cartoon, no matter how long it takes!


                    • #11
                      Your welcome Osi you never know what pops up.


                      • #12
                        I dont know which type of AGFA that Film Office used but some have gone purplish and faded too.


                        • #13
                          I have also seen a little bit O Agfa faded a little, but I have to wonder as to how it was stored, as, even LPP can get messed up if stored poorly. Proper storage makes for longevity.


                          • #14
                            I imagine poor handling in the lab, partially exhausted chemicals etc could lead to things like that too.

