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I have 2 prints of Jurassic Park and one of Star Wars available , NEW with magnetic stripe ( NO SOUND recorded ) , both 600 foot digests . ALL in GREAT condition .
Will ship Internationally . PM me if interested ; first come , first served basis .
I have BOTH, and I can assure everybody, that these two titles should be ESSENTIAL to any collectors collection, along with a third one, JAWS! So many other great titles have come forth from DAVE Films, and this fellow certainly is a major credit to the hobby! (Note: this endorsement is a non paid advertisement for DAVE Films and has absolutely nothing to do with this members friendship with the same, haha! Snicker!)
...Some collectors record their own sound tracks. Very difficult depending on the stripe quality and Syncing to new source. It can be achieved with great success with trial and error.
Thank You , Burton and Osi ; You BOTH said it .
For those collector's that live in the USA I recommend our own , Adam Deierling ; in the UK and Europe see Lee Mannering .
Bless you David.
I run 2 rigs simultaneously for dubbing mono or stereo professionally. This helps sort of half the time it takes as its very labour intensive. I also offer a same day service for anyone calling by from a distance. So love Super 8!
I have 2 prints of Jurassic Park and one of Star Wars available , NEW with magnetic stripe ( NO SOUND recorded ) , both 600 foot digests . ALL in GREAT condition .
Will ship Internationally . PM me if interested ; first come , first served basis .
Continuing my post in the other thread, any possibility to release a digest of Back to the Future?
I was in contact with Universal Pictures in CA. They are not interested in doing such because too much red tape is involved with too little profit , but they never said " no ". And the person I spoke with didn't even know what " super 8 " was ( except for the actual movie ) . Imagine that !
Yeah that's about the size of it. Not many FILM folks know what Super 8mm is - Don't know the market and clearly do understand the financial challenges.
In fact I would guess that IF a studio wanted to produce Super 8mm print digests TODAY they would have to go to EUROPE where the equipment is.