I finally opened up a box of what was described on eBay (over a year ago) as a roll of Super 8mm black leader with sound stripe. I realized this actually was unprocessed sound film taken out of a cartridge and spooled on a reel. Has anyone here repurposed their old raw stock for leader?
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Using unprocessed film as leader?
I haven't done that, but I have seen this product for sale: https://hollywoodfilmsupplies.com/fi...ulsion-scratch
At least in 16mm, old film is re-used as leader all the time. I have heaps of 16mm prints that have unexposed b/w film as leader. Colour film should be the same, but that's usually brownish, whereas unexposed b/w film is light grey.
It darkens over time, i.e. when exposed to light.
Never had any problems with it.
Speaking in terms of super eight film, I use old faded super eight optical features for any amount of leader length that I need as long as I don't need dark leader for the purpose of a changeover at the end of a reel.
Cut it the length that you need and when you start the reel Make sure to keep the lamp off until you hear the splice go through the gate then you are at your mark and can turn on the light
Black leader, like all other colored leaders has the problem of poor perforation, cutting and slitting. It's actually slightly wider than 8 mm and the perforations are smaller than they are supposed to be.
and since the optical film might be faded for color remember, it was made back in the hay day of Super being popular so you know it's going to be 8 mm wide and the perfs will be good
I would use caution via Autoload when buying super leader for the purpose of threading if it's not the right size how can it help you load the film?
The problem is caused by aging equipment at the labs that never is replaced
I bought a 400" reel of dark filmleader from, I think the Reel Image, a feq years ago
it was rolled wrong on the reel, so it lost its curl.
Also, one side is shiny and one side is matte.
I think it is undevellopped film as well.
i'm still not sure how to use it.
Do I use the matte side pointed to the lens or the gate?
I like dark leader.
My father used white leader with red lines amd text