Hi Gary
what a wonderful post...evocative of those wonderful time when I, like many others, BECAME MAGICALLY ENTRANCED WITH 8MM FILM COLLECTING VIA THOSE "BUMPER" catalogue and listing packs..wonderful box art pictured as well. it always made me chuckle when the order form said..please "RUSH" me ..lol
I too was transfixed by the 8mm adverts in Famous Monsters of Film-land - I managed to collect quite a few back in the early 70's in the U.K.
Scientific and Technical were big then also.
My first sound projector - and I had a few laughs with Derek Simmonds about this was the "sewing machine to super 8mm" - The Gioca Baby sound. It worked ok but was very rough on flms - my family bought it for me and I thing it was £69 in about 1977.
My next experience was a lovely Eumig.
I can also remember as a kid drooling over those film boxes of 50ft and 200" Castle film cutdowns that my local camera shop used to have on a stand as well as Walton releases in Dixons. First sound movie I ever bought was the "200 sound from Walton, "The Night Caller".
It cost a fortune -great memories though!
what a wonderful post...evocative of those wonderful time when I, like many others, BECAME MAGICALLY ENTRANCED WITH 8MM FILM COLLECTING VIA THOSE "BUMPER" catalogue and listing packs..wonderful box art pictured as well. it always made me chuckle when the order form said..please "RUSH" me ..lol
I too was transfixed by the 8mm adverts in Famous Monsters of Film-land - I managed to collect quite a few back in the early 70's in the U.K.
Scientific and Technical were big then also.
My first sound projector - and I had a few laughs with Derek Simmonds about this was the "sewing machine to super 8mm" - The Gioca Baby sound. It worked ok but was very rough on flms - my family bought it for me and I thing it was £69 in about 1977.
My next experience was a lovely Eumig.
I can also remember as a kid drooling over those film boxes of 50ft and 200" Castle film cutdowns that my local camera shop used to have on a stand as well as Walton releases in Dixons. First sound movie I ever bought was the "200 sound from Walton, "The Night Caller".
It cost a fortune -great memories though!