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Has anyone pictures of stores selling/displaying Super 8 digests?
Has anyone pictures of stores selling/displaying Super 8 digests?
Hello to all,
does anyone has „antique“ pictures of stores or warehouses displaying and selling Super 8 digests? Between 1970‘s and early 80‘s? I would highly appreciate the opportunity to have a „look back“
Super 8 200ft sound film documentary CINEMA IN MINIATURE gave a broad view of the hobby filmed on Super 8 capturing moments of film formats,the people, events and business who made the film prints worth looking for.
I should know I produced the film
I'm looking into making a new 21st century S8 print run of my film and will update if it proves possible.
The picture I have is only in my mind. Back when I wasn't even 10, we often went to a department store near us. In those days department stores weren't what they are today. These days they are mostly clothing, back then they were all sorts of things: clothes, records, home electronics, photography (not the same thing just yet), hobbies, toys, hardware, automotive, home furnishing, jewelry......
My Dad loved still photography. Quite often when we went to that store (-and you could spend HOURS there!), he'd stop in to the photo shop and pick up a couple of rolls of 126 or later 35mm. There were these wire racks full of Castle shorts. Now, bear in mind that I am maybe 8 years old: the fact that these weren't the whole movie and they didn't have sound was completely beyond my understanding!
I greatly wanted these! The fact that my family didn't have movies wasn't helping: maybe even made me want them more!
I loved the idea that you could show movies at your house: you could set up your own little movie theater and invite your friends over to enjoy a show.
Of course when I was a teenager, VCRs came and the wire racks full of Castle Films went away. The good news is I've done my best to make up for all this in the years since!
Traditionally in the UK we have had a steady stream of Film Fairs or Film Collectors events. This was the first one I organised in our Church which eventually grew into two big rooms and a working Cinema.
Lee, thank you for your image. Well, we do have film fairs here in Germany, too, and they look very similar And about your documentary, a digital version might be an option, too?
Sadly it seems to be difficult to find images of displays from the 70‘s, isn’t it?
Steve, I do remember displays, too. E.g. when I visited my grandparents in Kaiserslautern, Germany (there was/still is a very huge Army base located), in the city center there has been a small store for cameras and film and stuff, called Photo Phorst (an important store chain during the 1970/80s). And they displayed e.g. “Alien”, 400ft version, and as a child, I was always always a bit frightened about the cover art 🙃 - at that time I didn’t know anything about the movie. My grandpa bought children radio plays on Vinyl for me there. Few years later I bought my first Super 8 movies with my pocket money (something I still do, somehow - ask my wife, hahaha)
Nice, Joachim. I know Fred personnally as well and went several times in his shop. Fred does has a table that always attracts attention, at the cine fair in Argenteuil every year.