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Brownie 8 - 8mm Projector - Need a bulb, would this example work?

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  • Brownie 8 - 8mm Projector - Need a bulb, would this example work?

    Good morning/afternoon/evening,
    I've been tasked with converting 8mm film to digital and have what presents to be a functional Brownie 8 projector that has no bulb to guide me.
    Your expertise in this matter is greatly appreciated.
    Kind regards.

    eBay item:

    Description: Projector bulb lamp A1/24 A1/222 125v 120v 115v 110v 150w DFC DFN . 50 fx​

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-12-30 131829.jpg
Views:	110
Size:	129.2 KB
ID:	110620
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi Don,

    Welcome to the 8mm Forum!

    DFN/DFC 125V 150W Projection Lamp

    This US based seller has the DFN/DFC lamp for $75.00 US Each. This is a little more than the $63.43 Canadian on Ebay UK, but then again shipping from North Carolina to Ontario HAS to be less than $30.80 Canadian as stated in the E-bay auction.

    I feel confident recommending this seller, as a matter of fact it's the second time to Ontario just today!


    • #3
      Thank you, Steve, with the $41 USD shipping and the exchange the pre-tax amount is $168 CDN with that US supplier. That's why I was trying to ascertain if the UK supplier product is a match as it is less than $100 CDN.


      • #4

        I had no idea that shipping to Canada costs that much! (For heaven's sake: you and I share a state/provincial border!)

        Generally speaking, if you can match that three letter code, the bulb will be electrically/mechanically and optically compatible.
        Last edited by Steve Klare; December 30, 2024, 03:40 PM.


        • #5
          Thank you, Steve. Happy New Year.

