Good morning/afternoon/evening,
I've been tasked with converting 8mm film to digital and have what presents to be a functional Brownie 8 projector that has no bulb to guide me.
Your expertise in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards.
eBay item:
Description: Projector bulb lamp A1/24 A1/222 125v 120v 115v 110v 150w DFC DFN . 50 fx
I've been tasked with converting 8mm film to digital and have what presents to be a functional Brownie 8 projector that has no bulb to guide me.
Your expertise in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards.
eBay item:
Description: Projector bulb lamp A1/24 A1/222 125v 120v 115v 110v 150w DFC DFN . 50 fx