Slightly less last year. It was a busy summer which also included a passing of my sister and it hit me quite hard. For awhile I went in to a slump but recovered by October.
Highlights of the year of shows:
On two nights I ran film shorts alternating between 16mm and super 8 via changeovers. The most fun I ever had and the first time at home doing this kind of format swapping. It made me think of Saturday nights at Cinesea! It was quite simple. Three reels 20 minutes or more of each format. Swapping from S8 / 16 / S8 / 16, etc.
In April I did the annual James Camron's Titanic screening but this time it was outside in the backyard on my so called drive in screen. At 5 x 12 feet it is the largest movie screen I've ever owned at home. Pure delight watching such a great movie on a huge screen.
Before I left Cape Cod I had the great oppertunity to meet Gary Sloan. We did some trades and I got quite a few of his Dad's super 8 sound movies. Thank you Gary it is always fun watching the films you gave me. And for those of you who attend Cinesea regularly - when you see those golden scope lenses in front of his projectors - those were just one of the few trades we had done.
Thanks for reading if you have come this far. I will enjoy any comments that are written below.