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Film unravels from reel when loading

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  • Film unravels from reel when loading

    Hi all,

    I am new to the world of 8mm and to this forum...looking for some help....Quick background..Cleaning out my parent's house and found an old GAF Anscovision 588 projector with reels of film. The projector bulb worked and fan spun, but that was it. I replaced belts (both the long belt and the Fan/Motor Belt from online sources), both tires (although not from the same source so one is slightly bigger than the other) and two springs. I ended up having to buy a second project for parts to get the springs and a random plastic tension thing that was cracked in mine. Anyway - things now spin and the tires meet the other wheels to make them spin (Sorry - I don't know the terminology) but the film doesn't load right. it unravels from the reel when threading. I'll attach a video. What else can I do for this?

    Thank you,

  • #2
    Hi Greg and welcome to the forum. The supply reel should not turn at all when the projector is in forward mode. It appears that the tire is hitting one of the rollers. It should only hit the roller in reverse. You have to make sure that when the projector is in the forward position that the linkage keeps a gap between the tire and the roller so it doesn't move. I have several of these projectors and I will see if I can take a photo of what I am describing.


    • #3
      Thanks - Got it a little further apart and it sometimes touches now but mostly doesn't. I have it up and running but I am fidning Ican't make out the video. It is pretty dim. the bulb works. I even bought a second scrap projector for parts to replace some springs and other things, but mainly to have a second bulb. Both bulbs have the same result. I switched out the lenses and they get the same result. What would cause the video to be dim? I can make out that there are people and stuff, but I can't really see who they are or what they are doing.



      • #4
        Bright bulb but dim pictures...that means the light get "lost" somewhere along the way, or something blocking the light in the path.🤔 Try removing the lamp and peep through the lens into the projector - can you clearly see the film in there?


        • #5
          Thanks! Yep - that was it. Bad lens. I took the lens from the cannibalized one and put it in and it works. Thanks for the help!


          • #6
            Hi Greg, I sent you a private message here in the forum. If you figure out how to find it......

