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Of super 8 print sharpness and life's risks

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  • #16
    A downside is stairs.

    "Down" is the reading focal length and unless you are two feet tall, that stair step you are aiming for is not going to be very sharp or actually where your eyes think it is!

    -as Ken says: you have to adapt to them.

    I'm a newbie sun-glass wearer. I drive East in the morning and West in the late afternoon, so the Sun and I are no strangers. I had some money left on my eyeglass plan last year so I got sunglasses. They do a wonderful job except I keep forgetting to leave them in the car out at Work!

    -A friend said it's as if the FBI sent an Engineer!
    Last edited by Steve Klare; March 22, 2025, 10:24 AM.


    • #17
      I stick with just simple bi-focals. Though I have to fight to keep the reading area small so I can manage stairs better. It was the gradual change that upset my mother's sense of balance in varifocals.


      • #18
        Well if this doesn't make the point NOTHING will..... Click image for larger version

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