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Eumig Mark S810D

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  • Eumig Mark S810D

    I´m happy to see that analogic S8mm is still alive. I go to expose my problem to see if you can help me. I hadn't used my projector for about 30 years and after disassembling the housing and lubricating it a bit, it works!! After a few days I used it again and when I started it, all was correct, it threaded well, the lamp turned on (I guess in heating mode) and when I tried to watch the film, the lamp did not turn on, but remained in heating mode. The first time I tried it, it did light up. I took out the lamp and took it to the store to see if it was burnt out, but no, it was fine. What could have happened to the projector ? Thank you for your help.

  • #2
    Maybe the lamp socket is corroded and needs replaced. Or perhaps the switch behind the control knob behind the aluminum plate is not making contact or severely oxidized. Clean the pins of the lamp with fine sandpaper.


    • #3
      Thanks Joseph for your reply but the lamp is new so the pins should be clean. I wonder if lamp turns on in heating mode it seems that contact is produced, the problem is when the central switch is in the forward position when the lamp continues in heating mode.


      • #4
        As I said earlier there is a switch located behind the control knob but you have to remove the square aluminum panel to access it. The switch controls when the full 12 volts gets applied to the lamp. By default the projector is always in low voltage lamp pre-heating mode after being plugged is the switch behind the control knob that determines when full voltage for projection is applied to the the lamp, otherwise it remains in low voltage pre-heat.

        Those lamp sockets are troublesome over time as well and can become very corroded. I would check for 12 volts AC at the lamp socket with a multimeter. If 12 volts are not found when the control knob is in forward projection then it is sure to be a problem with the switch, the lamp socket or an open winding on the transformer that supplies the full 12 volts. Those are the only three possible problem areas for a lamp problem on that model. You will have to find which is the culprit.
        Last edited by Joseph Banfield; March 17, 2025, 12:47 AM.


        • #5
          I agree with Joseph that the micro switch is faulty. Maybe once you access it, a squirt of switch cleaner may restore it. If that doesn't work, then if I recall correctly, (I haven't needed to change one for over 10 years) the micro switch has just two wires, so as a test short them together. If the bulb fully illuminates that proves the micro switch needs changing.


          • #6
            Many thanks Joseph and David for your comments, I tested the lamp socket and the multimeter shows 2,5V in both preheating mode and forward projection ones. Therefore I will have to review the micro switch behind the control knob which I understand I have to take out number 2 of the picture.
            Sorry but all of that is completely new for me. Your help will be appreciated.


            • #7
              Undo the screw.
              Pull off the control knob.
              Remove cover.
              You should now see the micro switch.
              There may be another cover to remove to expose the micro switch.
              Last edited by David Strelitz; March 17, 2025, 09:38 AM.


              • #8
                Thanks David Once the cover was released I didn't see any switch but I realized that there was a loose white cylindrical plastic piece, but it doesn't seem to be broken. I suppose that this piece must make contact with the connectors located on the left side, since when making a manual contact, the lamp has turned on perfectly. I don't know where this piece came from. If someone in the forum has the same projector maybe you could tell me how and where to put it. I'll probably have to take it all apart. Thank you very much for your help


                • #9
                  Yes, that little nylon rod is the problem right there! That nylon rod rides on the back side of the nylon control cam where there is an eccentric that pushes that nylon rod that activates the micro switch to apply full power to the lamp. I believe if you remove the two screws holding the micro switch in place you can then place the plastic rod back into its hole just to the right of the micro switch. But make sure the control knob position is in its neutral position before attempting to replace the micro switch. Afterwards you may have to loosen the screws on the micro switch and move it slightly left or right until it activates the switch properly, then retighten the screws holding the micro switch.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Joseph for your comments I´ll follow your instructions and hope that I´ll be able to repair myself my old projector (with the help of all of yours).
                    Once it has been done (I hope)I´ll let you know.


                    • #11
                      Hi Joseph, after following your instructions I have been able to get my Eumig Mark S 810D working perfectly again. Thank you very much for your patience as well as David. Now I will be able to watch my Super 8mm films again.


                      • #12
                        Glad we could help you out!

