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There ARE lots of other people out there!

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  • There ARE lots of other people out there!

    It is always nice to be able to sign in to this wonderful forum each day and read the new posts that our colleagues have added. It is also a nice feeling to know that one is amongst people of "like minds." Not only that.... there are so many of us, which is very healthy!

    However, my experience of selling films on Ebay tells me that there are far more people out there collecting films, than are here in this online community.
    Whenever I sell a film, I go straight to our members list to see if it is going to "one of us." I must say that for the majority of the time, perhaps 90%, it is not. This is the case for both sound and silent films. So please remember that there are a lot more people out there getting their projectors out and putting screens up then we may think there are.

    Is this the same sort of ratio for other Ebay film sellers on here?

  • #2
    It can work both ways.
    If I buy a film on eBay there is no way to know if the seller is a Forum member.



    • #3
      Hi Melvin,

      I've bought a lot of E-bay films over almost 20 years and exactly twice the whole time I've had a seller come back and say "Hi, Steve!" after the bidding ended. One of 'em I'd sat next to at Dinner at CineSea a few weeks earlier.

      Before I got on the 'net, I had this feeling that I was the only one on the whole Planet that still enjoyed 8mm film. I'll give you odds there are still some old-school collectors out there that still think that way. If there was one 5 houses up my street I might never know it.


      • #4
        Looking at Ebay listings that are about to close I think a lot of films there do not sell, at least the first time they are offered as they have no bids. That is unless there are lots of "snipers" out there buying at the last second.


        • #5
          Maurice - Unfortunately, it is a one way train. As a seller of an item that has been paid for, I get to find the name and address. As a buyer, one only knows their Ebay name and location unless they are good enough to enclose their name and address as well as their post code (Zip) on the parcel as additional information. Frustrating, I know.

          Steve - Comments on your first paragraph........ It's not happened to me, yet, as buyer that the seller is on the forum and knows me and has said "Hi". What I find is that certain Ebay names are regular sellers and, having purchased from them before, one knows they are to be trusted.

          Second paragraph........That was ME several years ago! Okay, I attended Blackpool every year but didn't really know anybody to talk to, and that was that. There was a huge void between the end of the local cine club and discovering this forum. I feel the resurgence invigorating. Now I attend several functions a year, subscribe to film magazines, have discovered Ebay and the delights of buying and selling, and most importantly........have started to talk to people within the film community a lot more and, quite frankly, feel I am going through my best super 8 period ever, regardless of the fact that its been years since one could buy the latest film release on super 8 ( Star Wars as an example) or could meet up with like minds at the cine club once a week.....or trot over to Derann!!!!
          As far as the person "5 houses up my street," yes, I bet there are quite a few around who just accept they are the last ones with a projector.......If only they opened their eyes!

          Brian - I think the main problem why films do not sell is quite simple. Too expensive. There are some stupid prices asked nowadays. I price to sell within two or three listings, perhaps, not to overprice for a 9 month stint in the hope that some Richard Cranium will come along and buy it.


          • #6
            I've always said if you start with a sensible price you will sell it. Most of my films go to people who are not forum members, (or at least active members).


            • #7
              The shipping costs and some restrictions ("UK buffets only", "this seller may not ship to your country") also prevent buyers to bid.


              • #8
                I live in a county of over 2 million souls. From what I know: I'm THE film collector.

                -my gut is telling me that's not true: we can't be one in a million rare, so there have to be more than one other somewhere here!

