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How To Clean My Goko 8008 Editor

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  • How To Clean My Goko 8008 Editor

    Apologies if this has already been covered before....

    I am beginning to use this Editor (having purchased it a couple of years ago) and think that the lens, prism, sound-heads etc need a good clean.

    The image is very dark (I know that an Editor with a NF system doesn't produce the brightest image) and maybe the bulb needs replacing as well.

    I would welcome any advice offered, especially as my technical skills are (at this stage) pretty much zero 🙄

    Many thanks!


  • #2
    Have you tried adjusting the bulb? Positioning the bulb in and out you will see an increase and decrease in brightness.


    • #3
      Hi they used to advise cleaning the rotary prism with a cotton bud with a little isopropyl on it. Rotate it as you hold the bud against it.

      Years ago they did a halogen lamp adapter for the lamp mine still uses it. Led might be another option today.


      • #4
        I’d look at the the bulb. I had this exact problem with mine and a found the bulb’s envelope had turned black.


        • #5
          Many thanks for your replies Janice, Lee and Steve 😊

          I'll try all three of those suggestions and let you know how I get on.

          I'm a bit unsure exactly how to access the Prism and rotate it but I'll have a go and try not to damage anything in the process 🤞



          • #6
            I personally wouldn't mess with the prism. If it gets separated from it's mounting, it's almost impossible to get it repositioned and sequenced again. I had to do it once....never again. With care the internal mirrors can be cleaned easily and the screen. However...I would lower expectations on brightness. I haven't found that model viewer to be extremely bright. As Steve mentioned ... the bulb can make a big difference.
            Last edited by Janice Glesser; June 23, 2020, 09:15 PM.


            • #7
              What happened with me is the image was getting dimmer and dimmer: so slowly I didn't even realize it. When it became so blatant I had to notice it, I figured something inside had slipped out of alignment and I prepared myself for a major tear-down.

              Step 1: Remove the bulb

              -but that's as far as I got!

              The bulb was dark gray to black. A couple of years of operation had allowed tungsten boiled off the filament to gradually condense on the inside of the envelope and darken it.

              It was basically as if I was trying to view films wearing sun glasses.


              • #8
                Once again Janice and Steve, many thanks for all the great advice - it's much appreciated.

                I will look at the bulb to see if it's gone like the one you described Steve and if so replace it. If it seems ok Janice, then I'll try readjusting it to see if that makes a difference.

                I will steer well clear of the Prism but will also try to identify and access the mirrors to give them a clean too.

                I probably won't get around to this until the weekend now but will let you know how I get on.

                Many thanks 👍



                • #9
                  Ali. Don't attempt to take the prism out its not necessary.

                  1 You can clean it carefully by sliding the little cover off on the left of the film gate.

                  2 Rotate the little knob on the front of it to turn the prism by hand.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	unnamed (1)23.jpg
Views:	366
Size:	66.4 KB
ID:	12335
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Hi Lee and many thanks for the information and excellent pictures - I process things much better visually with an accompanying explanation of course. I will try to carry-out all of the great advice on the weekend.

                    I wonder Lee if you wouldn't mind showing me with pictures exactly where and how to access the interior mirrors so that I can give them a clean too please.

                    Finally, the sound heads seem to playback ok - is there anything I could/should do to these?



                    • #11
                      Hi Ali my own 8008 is un reachable at the moment otherwise I would guide you thru the screws to remove the back.

                      Yes you can clean the sound head. A little isopropyl on the tip of a cotton but that's all.

                      If it's up and running I would just do the basics as these can be a little bit naughty with age.

                      Register for a free magazine of Reel Image and within are details of a good lamp upgrade for the 8008. Details are on this forum.


                      • #12
                        Hi again Lee and many thanks - I'll do just that.



                        • #13
                          Well having finally got around to addressing the lack of brightness issue I carried out all the very kind suggestions from Janice, Steve and Lee.

                          The bulb is the newer halogen type in a conventional type holder -the bulb was bright and clear.

                          So I moved onto cleaning the Prism (following Lee's suggestion) which I found very straight forward - and WOW, what a difference! 😲😊 I'll post a couple of pictures next post but I wish I had taken a 'before' picture as well, as you would be able to see the huge difference this had made to the brightness even more!!

                          For good measure, I also gave the sound-head a clean with isopropyl too and the sound is very good from it.

                          Although this was a very simple 'fix' - as a total novice in any and all things electrical/mechanical, I'm very pleased with the outcome and it will give me the confidence to start to take on more of the routine repairs and servicing tasks for the dozen or so projectors I have in my 'stable' 😊

                          Once again, many thanks!



                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Looks really good Ali...nice job!

