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Hi, I may be able to buy a 2x400ft version of Day of the Tiffids. I know only about a 400ft and a 4x400ft version. Does anyone ever heard of it? Is it a well cut digest? Is it worth to add to a collection?
I saw this auction as well, not planning on bidding on it but from what l have seen of the color releases, even when first printed, the color has barely been passable, but I must admit that I have never seen this digest. My advice is to be cautious.
I've only known the 4x400ft and 2x200ft. I assume the 1x400ft was the two one reel extracts put together. I have those two 200ft reels but the colour is far from good.
This film was 'ransacked' by Mountain, resulting in a bewildering combination of different feature and 400' and 200' digest releases. There's a thread on the old forum in which this was discussed. The colour was always rather brownish, but there are some prints which are holding their colour well. Regarding a 2 x 400', I think it's possible in a way, because I believe there was a 400' with the original title, and there was definitely a 400' I once had with another title - I think this was called 'Blind Danger'. However, these were sold separately and probably try to be self-contained, so I don't know whether watching one after the other would 'work' in terms of telling a more coherent story.
If you should choose to buy that 2X400ft digest, I'm sure that we'd all love to hear if the color is good on it. It's definitely a big time cult film that is long overdue for a restoration professionally.