Do you ever have one of those nights projecting when nothing seems to go right?
Last night I got out my copy of RIDDLE OF THE SANDS which is squeezed onto two 800ft spools. I recently found a beautiful Kowa 16H scope lens and I know that this is a good print, so I thought I'd see what it looked like projected on the Eumig S940.
I watched a couple of trailer reels first, then went onto the main feature. The 800ft reels were so full (this is a 5 x 400ft release so each 800ft spool was literally brim full) and as I was starting to thread the film, about 50ft of film decided to despool itself and onto the carpet. 10 minutes later, having eventually got the film back onto the reel without kinking it, I managed to get it threaded and was just getting ready to focus it, switched on the lamp and nothing. Bulb had blown, so I thought.
I took off the cover off the Eumig and got another lamp. Still nothing. A third? still no light. I wiggled the bulb a little and it lit up so it turns out I had a duff lamp holder. I can easily replace these and I have some spares but I wasn't going to do it there and then, so I resorted to plan B - the Eumig S938.
I got the 938 out of the cupboard and its box and swapped the lens from the S940 (it's a Xenovaron 1.1 with the proper Eumig fixings). I opened up the machine and gave it a clean down prior to threading the film, and switched it on. I like to have it running for a while before threading to get up to temperature and speed etc, so I turned the lamp on.
Bang. There was a hell of a crack and glass everywhere and a smell of burning. it sounded like a gun had just gone off inside the projector.
I quickly turned the machine back to standby. The lamp was glowing dimly as it should when switched on - where had all that glass come from? It was all over the inside of the machine. The burning smell seemed to be getting worse so I pulled the plug and recovered.
I thought the lens had smashed at first. It wasn't that and it couldn't be the lamp because it was still glowing when I switched it off. Or could it? Turns out it was the halogen lamp - the glass envelope had exploded, leaving the filament intact, and it was still glowing.
So, the next half hour was spent vacuuming out the projector to make sure that I'd cleaned it all and there was no glass left anywhere.
I've never had a bulb explode like that - they normally just fail without much excitement. This was a hell of a bang, like a firecracker, and I was pretty close to it without the cover on - a lesson there for me. I was actually quite relieved it was only the bulb as these can be swapped out easily and not something more serious, like a diode going pop. But even though the glass had exploded the filament was intact. How could that possibly happen?
Having cleaned out the projector and fitted a new bulb, and about an hour after first attempting to watch RIDDLE OF THE SANDS, I finally managed to sit down and watch it. What a lovely print it was and it looked superb with the new lens.
The exploding Eumig, cleaned and with a fresh lamp. Will the remaining film on the supply reel fit on the take up spool? It did yes, but there wasn't much room left.