So, We pulled it off!
-after the original "21" (-is "XXI" better?) was canceled last spring it wasn't hard to imagine that CineSea might never be the same, if at all! -but this weekend it not only happened, but happened well.
I need to introduce myself here, despite posting on this forum 17 years now, today I am the Vice Claus. Claus Harding normally does these, and does them well. He couldn't join us this time, so my contribution is to do my best in his place. We're going to talk about what happened in Wildwood for a couple of days. Not necessarily every day, but gradually over the next maybe 5 days so other people get the experience and we can keep our memories too.
We're starting on Thursday, October 1st, but wait! -what about the 2nd through the 4th? Well, as they say "nothing comes from nothing", and CineSea doesn't just spring out of the ground fully-formed on Friday. Quite a few people show up on Thursday to set up: maybe to schmooze a little! My son doesn't need to put on a School Bus Friday morning anymore (College), so I am freer to join in myself.
This fine Thursday was about raising the big screen (among many other things: CineSea builds strong backs!). We're going to the screen-raising now. (The Amish can do an entire barn in a few days, we're not that good, but we do OK!)
No tripod screen here:
-this starts out as a pretty impressive network of galvanized pipes joined together by thumb screws:
Then comes the cloth screen surface:
Then about 50,000 little bungies (-my informal estimate) secure the fabric and stretch it in place:
-finally, able backs and arms stand it up in place and secure it to tripods with sandbags for weight.
-now it's worth noting how tightly this fits the room. This came over from the Ocean Holiday a few inches too tall and a pipe cutter is what it took to custom fit it to our new place.
Now, of course the Elephant in the Room was in this room too! We got through it and in coming days we'll see that it didn't really rain on our parade!
Stay Tuned!