Saturday (The Part with Daylight…)
Saturday is THE day of CineSea. Most of the big happenings happen then. I always tell someone if they can’t do the whole weekend this is the one day to choose.
Things being what they are, we didn’t get to go out to the group breakfast. This is a shame: it’s an event unto itself. There are so many great places for breakfast in Wildwood it’s easy to find something good. They are a lot of fun too! As soon as the caffeine kicks in, the lively discussion of film starts for the day. This time, scattered groups went out and had breakfast. I had my bike with me, so I rode up the boardwalk and then made a nice breakfast back at the hotel.
With everybody fed, the festivities began for the day!
There is a scattering of tables around the room, all covered with films. Most people are selling film and everyone is also showing it.

This is Gary’s table. Some folks show 8mm and some show 16mm, some even go big! Gary is a Renaissance Man: he consistently shows both 8 and 16! He’s seen here with one of his beloved Kodak Pageants. 16mm is a habit I picked up at CineSea and Gary helped move me forward here more than anyone. Because he found me a good one, now I have a Pageant too!
Shorty couldn’t spend the weekend, but he took the time to come all the way to Wildwood and visit a while.
Something’s always going on behind the scenes on Saturday. That something is usually the prep work for Saturday Night Show. Around the room, films that people have brought down to share are being checked, organized, often cleaned and made ready for that night. Lately these have been 8, 16 and 35mm. Here Geoff is prepping the Heavy Artillery for later on.
Just like at breakfast time, there was no group dinner. A favorite restaurant said they could take us all, but only in groups of 8. We did what we wanted in small groups and some even made dinner at the hotel. This is one of the things we look forward to when things are finally fully back to normal.
Everyone did what they did remembering it was getting to be Showtime!
Next: Saturday Night Show!
Saturday is THE day of CineSea. Most of the big happenings happen then. I always tell someone if they can’t do the whole weekend this is the one day to choose.
Things being what they are, we didn’t get to go out to the group breakfast. This is a shame: it’s an event unto itself. There are so many great places for breakfast in Wildwood it’s easy to find something good. They are a lot of fun too! As soon as the caffeine kicks in, the lively discussion of film starts for the day. This time, scattered groups went out and had breakfast. I had my bike with me, so I rode up the boardwalk and then made a nice breakfast back at the hotel.
With everybody fed, the festivities began for the day!
There is a scattering of tables around the room, all covered with films. Most people are selling film and everyone is also showing it.
This is Gary’s table. Some folks show 8mm and some show 16mm, some even go big! Gary is a Renaissance Man: he consistently shows both 8 and 16! He’s seen here with one of his beloved Kodak Pageants. 16mm is a habit I picked up at CineSea and Gary helped move me forward here more than anyone. Because he found me a good one, now I have a Pageant too!
Shorty couldn’t spend the weekend, but he took the time to come all the way to Wildwood and visit a while.
Something’s always going on behind the scenes on Saturday. That something is usually the prep work for Saturday Night Show. Around the room, films that people have brought down to share are being checked, organized, often cleaned and made ready for that night. Lately these have been 8, 16 and 35mm. Here Geoff is prepping the Heavy Artillery for later on.
Just like at breakfast time, there was no group dinner. A favorite restaurant said they could take us all, but only in groups of 8. We did what we wanted in small groups and some even made dinner at the hotel. This is one of the things we look forward to when things are finally fully back to normal.
Everyone did what they did remembering it was getting to be Showtime!
Next: Saturday Night Show!