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Bauer T610 Microcomputer Stereo

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  • Bauer T610 Microcomputer Stereo

    Would any one know which is the line out socket? (to an external amplifier) & where to buy a lead? Click image for larger version

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ID:	33914
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  • #2
    The ones 2nd and 3th from the right are the sort of 5 pin DIN sockets for audio in/our. I would think the one second from the right is an input for a record deck and the one third in is an audio in/out at line level.

    I would assume Ebay or Amazon would sell the leads. What sort you need depending on the input on whatever you are intending to connect it to.


    • #3
      The socket third from the right marked with a left and right arrow is the line input and line output.
      Looking at the DIN socket there are five sockets, starting at the left and going round anti clockwise the pin numbers are 3 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 1

      Centre pin number 2 is the common earth and is used for in and out
      Output is pin 3 for left channel, and adjacent pin 5 is for the right channel
      Input is pin 1 for left channel, and adjacent pin 4 is for the right channel

      Click for a suitable lead from Amazon
      kenable 5 Pin Male Din Plug to 4 x RCA Phono Male Plugs: Electronics
      Last edited by Maurice Leakey; May 07, 2021, 09:53 AM.


      • #4
        When we started our local film festival a long time ago we used one of them and I should be able to tell you but I cant remember about the sockets GRRR.
        They were a good choice in late 70's for halls with a decent lens as well until we got the GS Xenons

        Well done Brian and Maurice. 😀


        • #5
          When I bought my Bauer T510 I was also offered a T610, but I declined the latter due to its microcomputer which I understood often could be a problem or even failed completely.


          • #6
            Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction Brian, and knowing the pin layout Maurice, & for the link, Lead ordered.


            • #7
              If the the ends of the lead are not correct you can either use adapters, or perhaps, just cut off the male phono plugs and attach plugs or sockets as required.


              • #8
                lead arrived today & it has made a big difference to sound quality through my external amp. I am now connecting my 7.1 amplifier to the line out rather than the speaker sockets.
                The improvement is huge, I struggled to get high volume levels before, now more than ample volume via the line out.

                Am I right in assuming that the speaker out sockets are 4 ohms?


                • #9
                  I'm glad that the new lead has worked well for you.
                  Speaker output is 4-5 ohms, at 2 x 30 watts.

