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BEST Super 8mm Sound Digests ... ?

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  • BEST Super 8mm Sound Digests ... ?

    I am sure this has been brought up before but being relatively new to the this forum and building up my 8mm library I would like to know what YOU think are the BEST Super 8 Sound Digests out there.

    I have been purchasing a few and the comedy shorts all on 400 foot reels are just fine and usually complete OR well edited. What I am specifically referring to are the MOVIE cut downs or digests out there. As we all know, some are edited well - tell a story perhaps - whereas others...not so much.

    I am flying pretty blind - purchasing a few and finding that they are not very watchable - poorly edited etc. So, I am just re-selling them when that happens.

    WHAT SAY YOU ? I am interested in your feedback. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    In my opinion, the 400ft version of Superman is the best ever 'cut-down' of a movie to be issued on Super 8. It is a superb edit that manages to keep the narrative of the feature without becoming a 'greatest clips' reel.

    Obviously, some aspects of the feature are lost but the overall feel is of a complete story that's told in less than 20 minutes and it's just fantastic.

    If you're a fan of the movie, you will love this release.


    • #3
      Thanks Gary! That is EXACTLY the kind of review I am looking for - TITLE plus why it's good. You nailed it on the 'greatest clips' reel issue. Some digests I have seen can't even get that right sadly.


      • #4
        North By North west 400 Feet Hitchcock miss buses at the start Bernald Hermann Music Cary Grant James Mason Eva Marie Saint Leo g Carroll United Nations on the 20th century Train The Crop dust plane chase and climax Mount Rushmore and Honey moon fantastic 18 minutes first case


        • #5
          On the Waterfront is also at the top.
          Although i haven't seen it yet, i think the new Jurassic Park may also be one of the best cutdowns.
          The Muppet movie 400ft version is another, Walton did a very good of this, especially including so many of the guest stars, they also released a 200ft excerpt which fits perfectly into this reel making a good 600ft cut down. The 200ft extract being Walton's last super 8 release.


          • #6
            All the titles mentioned so far are excellent digests, especially The Muppet Movie. That cutdown always gets a great reaction whenever I show it.
            I think the Universal 8 Films 200' version of Jaws is the best edit I've ever seen. It conveys the plot and the essence of the feature in an astounding 10 minutes and 15 seconds. It's bigger brother, the 2x400' digest is also very well done.

            Airport (Universal 8, 400') gets rid of the side soap opera plot lines and concentrates on the action. It's exceptional and if you come across the scope version, get it!


            • #7
              I rather liked "The Empire strikes back" in two parts. I thought it told the story effectively, although the line from Vador is missing telling Luke he is his father. Of course it could always be dubbed back in if you were to rerecord the sound. Not too sure the color has held up too well on this title. Mine has turned slightly red now.

              I also enjoyed the two-parter of "the sting". But again, mine is faded.


              • #8
                all great feedback - keep it coming!


                • #9
                  Always liked the Universal 8 digests well edited. Rooster Cogburn, Smokey and the Bandit and The Sting come to mind as well as the classic Horror movies. Invisible Man and the Mummy being the best. Other great digests worth looking for are Dirty Mary Crazy Larry covers the movie in 17 minutes, Odessa File French Connection II are also good edits. Longer digest would be They Died with their boots on (2x400) and Where Eagles Dare (3x400) cuts a very long movie down to 51 minutes.


                  • #10
                    Dirty Dozen (400') is one of the best. It is a complete story from the recruitment scene to the attack on Nazi party. We understand the whole story without need that nasty narration.

                    This title is also available on mini-feature 3 x 400'.


                    • #11
                      The Columbia super 8 digest of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is a pretty good edit as well!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Osi Osgood View Post
                        The Columbia super 8 digest of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is a pretty good edit as well!
                        Columbia ? Does it have any annoying NARRATION added?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tom Photiou View Post
                          The 200ft extract being Walton's last super 8 release.
                          Tom, I thought Walton's last release was The Cure. Am I confusing ?


                          • #14
                            Enter the Dragon 400ft is very good,action packed and well edited, Mark


                            • #15
                              Osi - If I was only allowed to have one 400' digest in my collection, then CE3K would be my choice. Whether it is a good edit or not is for debate. Visually, it is a stunner.

                              Philip - Alleluya........NO IT DOESN'T !

                              Tom - Not seen JP yet ? Boy, you are in for a treat as and when !

                              Anyway, my own contributions to the "best edit" list are........ The Wizard of Oz 1x 400' and, dare I suggest,...... The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1x400'

                              Of the 2x 400' my votes would go to The Electric Horseman, The Sting, 1941, Slap Shot, The Sugarland Express and The Hindenburgh.


