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Bugs Bunny 50th Anniversary

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  • Bugs Bunny 50th Anniversary

    This was issued by Derann Films years ago and shows clips from some of Bugs Bunny’s greatest cartoons. But, does anyone know why it is printed with the picture smaller than the 8mm frame, eg black borders all around the picture?

  • #2
    I've often wondered that myself.

    The only idea I can come up with was that the original Warner production was made 4:3 in a non-anamporphic widescreen frame on 35mm so that cinemas could show it full height 4X3 in multiplexes with limited gate apertures and screen masking. The then lab didn't compensate when making the negative for the Super 8 release.


    • #3
      Here was one on Ebay about a month a go on 16mm

      16mm Bugs Bunny 50th Anniversary 1990 Unfaded VGC 3.5 Mins Approx. Run Time | eBay


      • #4
        Brian and Edward many thanks for the helpful information.


        • #5
          Worth checking out the 50th magazine as much information Phil and great images.


          • #6
            Is that the book "50 Years and only one Grey Hare"? I have that and think it wonderful.


            • #7
              Finally recorded Ballot box Bunny the elusive cartoon of all time in our land anyway. Nice to hear it with good sound


              • #8
                Well that framing is inexcusable and easily corrected at the time this was being converted and printed to Super 8mm - but - Perhaps they were concerned that zooming in on the frame would have produced some undesirable softness to the image. If DerAnn used a 35mm print that already had the image printed this way then that would be the only reason I could see for them to just leave it alone.

                Whomever created the original 35mm print though made a mistake. It should have just had the black pillar boxes on the sides IMO.

