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Marketing Films question ...

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  • Marketing Films question ...

    I have recently purchased some 400' digests released by MARKETNG FILMS. What I am noticing is that on every release when the film ends it just cuts to BLACK. There is no end title card or end credits. Nothing.

    Is this true on all MARKETING FILMS releases? I find it odd that there isn't the really basic THE END pasted on the end of the digest.

  • #2
    I have noticed that at times, like on the "Black Sunday" digest. I don't know why, however, I have noticed that a lot of collectors will, with the multi part digests, will take the extra intro credits, and put them at the end of the digests as well.


    • #3
      Hi Philip. I am wondering if some of your reels are part of a 3X400' edition, or perhaps a single reel of a full length set? It would make sense to me that a reel would end with a black or blank screen if there is to be a continuation on another reel. I seem to remember that all of my 400' digests (complete within themselves) end with some type of final credit.


      • #4
        Marketing Films' digests are known for their abrupt ending but still with end title.


        • #5
          Each of the digests is a single 400 foot reel - not part of a multiple reel digest. The ending is there - it's just an abrupt ending - no fade out to credits. No credits at all.

          The digests I have seen are

          BLACK SUNDAY - cut to black when Shaw is hanging from the helicopter after blowing up the Blimp.
          THE GODFATHER - cut to black as camera holds on Diane Keaton looking back at Al Pacino - now the new Godfather
          ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST - cut to black after Jason Robards slaps Claudia Cardinale on the bottom.

          The movies were essentially over at this point - it would have been nice to have an additional few feet to keep this from being so abrupt - so to me it's not as though major portions of the endings are lost or anything like that. After all these are digests. Just seems like a strange editing choice.

          I would rather have more movie at the end than the trailers put on some of these films.


          • #6
            I don't no about those above Marketing titles but the 3/400ft Airplane has a good ending where the auto pilot and his inflatable lady friend, fly of into the sunset as "The End" title comes up, always like a happy ending


            • #7
              My 3x400 "Rosemary's Baby" just blams really abruptly, ruining every mood that was built before it.


              • #8
                With these abrupt endings on most Marketing's 400 and three parters, jokingly, I would say that the editors working in Marketing Films company never satisfied their wives.


                • #9
                  I think even there 400' of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" just ends without a proper end title, if I remember right it just fades out, so not a surprise to me at all!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Barry Attwood View Post
                    I think even there 400' of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" just ends without a proper end title, if I remember right it just fades out, so not a surprise to me at all!
                    Does it at least show the final shot of the warehouse ?


                    • #11
                      Nope, just that shot of Indy and Marion, holding hands, at that post, looking at the aftermath of the arks wrath.


                      • #12
                        I think that TO CATCH A THIEF has a „The End“ at the ending.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Osi Osgood View Post
                          Nope, just that shot of Indy and Marion, holding hands, at that post, looking at the aftermath of the arks wrath.
                          Wow really! That's is just BAD editing. The final shot is GREAT and to leave that off of the digest just seems weird to me. Another few feet of film could have given us that and provided the exclamation point for the ending we all know and love. Strange.


                          • #14
                            From what I have read elsewhere and on here as well, Speilberg had final approval of the digest edit and, if so, must have felt that it would take too much extra footage to make it fit, l assume.

