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Have you seen this Fumeo for super 8mm telecine?

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  • Have you seen this Fumeo for super 8mm telecine?

    There is always something new every day. I thought Fumeo is only for movie projector, but apparently they have telecine.

    Fumeo is the best projector we have ever had, but what about its performance as a telecine?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Fumeo 1.jpg
Views:	623
Size:	73.3 KB
ID:	49710 Click image for larger version

Name:	Fumeo 3.jpg
Views:	545
Size:	48.6 KB
ID:	49711

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Fumeo 4.jpg
Views:	503
Size:	199.2 KB
ID:	49712
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Fumeo 2.jpg
Views:	435
Size:	50.2 KB
ID:	49713


  • #2
    Yes, that was the model that Classic Home Cinema hoped to get into production converted into a projector. Unfortunately they didn't get enough expressions of interest to go past a prototype. That needed modifications and I think that, combined with the predicted price put people off. I did give a tentative indication of interest in the finished version.

    There is a test report here scroll down to the tab "Projector archives" to view.


    • #3
      One problem of the Classic Fumeo project was its lack of a built-in amplifier. only a pre-amp.


      • #4
        Its a pity that it (CHC version) was never taken up and put into production. I like the functionality/ practicability of what was intended, and the ugly appearance of the CHC version was of no concern. Indeed I think it made the unit look more professional, like a 35mm machine, rather than trying to please people on looks alone. Having no audio amp would have made things simple, again as proposed, as Phil probably expected that the amplification should be done by external equipment, designed for that job.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Brian Fretwell View Post
          Yes, that was the model that Classic Home Cinema hoped to get into production converted into a projector. Unfortunately they didn't get enough expressions of interest to go past a prototype. That needed modifications and I think that, combined with the predicted price put people off. I did give a tentative indication of interest in the finished version.

          There is a test report here scroll down to the tab "Projector archives" to view.
          That projector is not the one that was the one in review. It is this one:


          • #6
            That is it after the modification/conversion surely.


            • #7
              I was on the list for the C HC Fumeo. Shame it never went into production.I had a zenovaron lens and the necessary amplifier,so was all set to go!


              • #8
                Saw it in action at Blackpool. It needed a lot of work. Very noisy.


                • #9
                  I wonder what happened to the prototype.


                  • #10
                    The Fumeo 9131 was a bog standard cine transfer machine which do still pop up for sale. It was touch button operated giving a reasonable transfer at the time.
                    At the time it was thought the forthcoming new machine was using up left over parts hence no amp. Never got to see the attempted 8mm projector demo but I have seen the 9131 telecine machine of old with not very good sound quality.

                    The 9131 still come up for sale, I did have a passing thought to convert one to a regular projector but decided after hearing it no worth the effort when much better machines are available.

                    Anybody looking for one to play with look at one is on at the moment.


                    • #11
                      Out of curiosity, what makes it specifically "Telecine" projector?
                      My wild guess would be quartz-locked speed control or synced-speed to external control pulse at the very least, and what else?

