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Newbie needing Eumig 610D advice

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  • Newbie needing Eumig 610D advice

    Hello All, I hope I am posting this request in the correct place, apologies if not. I hope you can help.

    I recently got a Eumig 610D projector, it is all in working order. However the bulb (OSRAM HALOGEN BULB - GZ6.35 - 16200LM - 100W 12V) keeps blowing a few seconds into playing, just about long enough for me to thread the film and get a tantalising glimpse of the first few fees but the darkness. I checked the manual and then the operating voltage which is currently at 240v. The projector was plugged into a normal uk wall socket. Can anyone shed light on why my bulb blows?
    Many thanks Jane

  • #2
    This is what your lamp should be. Is this what you have used?
    Osram A1/231 12v 100w EFP - £3.75 plus vat - Light Bulbs 2 U


    • #3
      Hi Jane. Are you sure the bulbs are blowing? The lamp contacts and holder are notorious for corroding. This can give the impression of the bulb failing or working intermittently.
      Very easy to fix if this is the case.


      • #4
        Hello Maurice and Stuart, thank you both very for your replies.
        Yes those are the bulbs I’ve been using.
        Is there a way I can safely check if the bulb blown, I’ve attached a couple more photos to see if that gives any more clues. Ive ordered a few more
        of the halogen projector bulbs which should arrive this week. When I have changed the bulb, Should I let the machine run for a short time to warm up before switching the dial to projection. Would that make any difference at all?
        thanks so much again for your help.


        • #5

          There is no doubt that the lamp shown has blown. It's all black.

          I believe your model may have a pre-heat. This supplies a low voltage to warm up the lamp before going to full voltage. This is activated by the film threading position. It goes to full voltage when set to the lamp position.

          I must say that I do not know your particular model.

          There does seem to be a problem somewhere. If you bought it on eBay you should try to return it as defective.


          • #6
            Thank you Maurice, I’ll try again with a longer preheating time and see if that does the job.


            • #7
              I hope it does work, but I do feel that there is too much voltage in the lamp circuit.


              • #8
                Hi Jane,
                Did you notice if the bulb was at full brightness when the projector was plugged in but stationary?
                The lamp should glow very faintly when in pre heat mode and threading. Switching to forward projection, the lamp should become much brighter. This also ensures that the bulb is properly ventilated when running.

                If this isn’t happening it is likely that a microswitch has failed or needs to be cleaned.

                These are great projectors and well worth persevering with.


                • #9
                  Another possible cause - is the lamp brand new, or NOS? I've found that most NOS I had would blacken then went poof within minutes, much like what you faced with.
                  Try lamp from different shop/supplier to see if that's the case.


                  • #10
                    Hello everyone! According to the second photo in Jane's first post, could it be that the transformer is connected to 240v?


                    • #11
                      Well the current UK voltage is now nominal 230v so it should be giving a lower voltage to the lamp, which would extend its life not shorten it. I have had a worn out lamp base shorten lamp life, though more to the pins eroding.


                      • #12
                        Funny Arnau mentioning that as I was wondering the same. So yesterday did a video.

                        Remember, I don't know what I'm doing.

                        The output to both Motor and Lamp does change with regard to the same input voltage (mains) and where the red input wire goes. I'm UK so I think values vary between 210 and up.

                        Here's the aforementioned video.

                        Always unplug projector prior to working on it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Arnau Pell View Post
                          .....According to the second photo in Jane's first post, could it be that the transformer is connected to 240v?.....
                          The projector has four working voltage settings, 220, 230, 240 and 250. These are confirmed on the label beneath the word "Eumig".
                          Janes's photo shows it set to an inlet of 240 volts.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Brian Fretwell View Post
                            .....The current UK voltage is now nominal 230v so it should be giving a lower voltage to the lamp.....
                            You will find that the UK voltage still hovers around 240. It was never practical to actually reduce it to 230.
                            The declared voltage is 230, minus 6%, and plus 10%. Through tolerance this actually allows a voltage between 216.2 and 253.
                            You have been warned. 😡


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the full details Maurice, I wasn't sure, thus the "nominal" in my post. Where I worked the standby generators were set to cut in on a reduction of frequency of the mains, not the voltage.

