With thanks and the authors, Werner Schöfnagl, permission. Please find attached a pdf of the EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit.xlsx (EUMIG DEVICES OVERVIEW wide.xlsx / wide as in Landscape I think) that was kindly sent to me.
It covers most devices produced by Eumig (and those rebranded (Bolex etc...)) over the years. More information can be found https://eumig.at/
It's in 3 parts to allow attachment to this post.
The attachment includes production runs and quantities for Stummprojektoren S8 (Silent projectors S8), Tonprojektoren Super8 (Sound Projectors Super8) as well as early projectors such as the P1 to P8 (Filmprojektor alt / Film projector old).
EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 1 of 3.pdf
Graph of Jährliche Produktionsstückzahlen (Annual production quantities)
Filmprojektor alt (Film projector old)
Film-/Fotokamera alt (Film/photo camera old)
EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 2 of 3.pdf
Film-/Fotokamera S8 (Film/Photo Camera S8)
Stummfilmprojektor (Silent movie projector including rebranded)
EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 3 of 3.pdf
Tonprojektor Super8 (Sound projector Super8 including rebranded)
Video, HiFi + Laser
Google translate has helped but I was unable to include the translations in the PDF. However, it should be quite clear to understand.
EUMIG Produkte (EUMIG Products)
Jährliche Produktionsstückzahlen (Annual production quantities)
Gesamtjahresmengen (Total annual volumes)
Kassetenrecorder (Cassette recorder)
Modelle (Models)
Jahresmengen (Annual quantities)

It covers most devices produced by Eumig (and those rebranded (Bolex etc...)) over the years. More information can be found https://eumig.at/
It's in 3 parts to allow attachment to this post.
The attachment includes production runs and quantities for Stummprojektoren S8 (Silent projectors S8), Tonprojektoren Super8 (Sound Projectors Super8) as well as early projectors such as the P1 to P8 (Filmprojektor alt / Film projector old).
EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 1 of 3.pdf
Graph of Jährliche Produktionsstückzahlen (Annual production quantities)
Filmprojektor alt (Film projector old)
Film-/Fotokamera alt (Film/photo camera old)
EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 2 of 3.pdf
Film-/Fotokamera S8 (Film/Photo Camera S8)
Stummfilmprojektor (Silent movie projector including rebranded)
EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 3 of 3.pdf
Tonprojektor Super8 (Sound projector Super8 including rebranded)
Video, HiFi + Laser
Google translate has helped but I was unable to include the translations in the PDF. However, it should be quite clear to understand.
EUMIG Produkte (EUMIG Products)
Jährliche Produktionsstückzahlen (Annual production quantities)
Gesamtjahresmengen (Total annual volumes)
Kassetenrecorder (Cassette recorder)
Modelle (Models)
Jahresmengen (Annual quantities)
