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Eumig Devices Overview (1920's to 1980s) Production Quantities

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  • Eumig Devices Overview (1920's to 1980s) Production Quantities

    With thanks and the authors, Werner Schöfnagl, permission. Please find attached a pdf of the EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit.xlsx (EUMIG DEVICES OVERVIEW wide.xlsx / wide as in Landscape I think) that was kindly sent to me.

    It covers most devices produced by Eumig (and those rebranded (Bolex etc...)) over the years. More information can be found

    It's in 3 parts to allow attachment to this post.

    The attachment includes production runs and quantities for Stummprojektoren S8 (Silent projectors S8), Tonprojektoren Super8 (Sound Projectors Super8) as well as early projectors such as the P1 to P8 (Filmprojektor alt / Film projector old).

    EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 1 of 3.pdf
    Graph of Jährliche Produktionsstückzahlen (Annual production quantities)
    RADIOS, TV + T5
    Filmprojektor alt (Film projector old)
    Film-/Fotokamera alt (Film/photo camera old)

    EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 2 of 3.pdf
    Film-/Fotokamera S8 (Film/Photo Camera S8)
    Stummfilmprojektor (Silent movie projector including rebranded)

    EUMIG GERÄTE GESAMTÜBERSICHT breit (edit) 3 of 3.pdf
    Tonprojektor Super8 (Sound projector Super8 including rebranded)
    Video, HiFi + Laser

    Google translate has helped but I was unable to include the translations in the PDF. However, it should be quite clear to understand.

    EUMIG Produkte (EUMIG Products)
    Jährliche Produktionsstückzahlen (Annual production quantities)
    Gesamtjahresmengen (Total annual volumes)
    Kassetenrecorder (Cassette recorder)
    Modelle (Models)
    Jahresmengen (Annual quantities)

    Attached Files

  • #2
    What interesting stats! Their best seller was the P8 family, about 1 million sold, Looks like their whole sales volume peaked in 1978 and suddenly plummeted from 1978 to 1981. And I can't believe that they sold almost half a million Polavision devices ! No serious movie maker at the time would have looked twice at that dog! So was it Polavision that brought them down? It certainly did'nt help, but more likely the combination of Polavision and the birth of magnetic video.
    Last edited by Paul Adsett; February 04, 2022, 02:18 PM.


    • #3
      This is really impressive information: Thanks, Stuart!

      The quantities are higher than I would have guessed. I'm actually the first person I ever knew that owned a Super-8 sound projector (-and I got my first in 2002), so I had no idea the market for them was that big.


      • #4
        I'm sure some were also badged as Prinz for sale in Dixons, but I can't see them there after a quick look. As they were more like the Bolex, I assume they were in those totals, I'm sure there weren't too many.


        • #5
          Nice job Stuart, thanks for sharing this information!


          • #6
            I agree with Paul. Once VHS tapes recorders became available for the average consumers, super 8's days of having a good market were numbered and as far as anyone was concerned, pretty much died in the early 80's ... and yet, here we are today!


            • #7
              An uncle of mine told me 8mm film had no more than two years left roughly 1985. For people that had to use it, this may be so, but not for people that love to use it!


              • #8
                Other facts interpreted from the data:
                1. The entry level S802 (not suprisingly) was by far the biggest seller of the 800 series.
                2. The 900 series did not sell nearly the number sold of the 800 series


                • #9
                  I previously thought that certain models were region specific but the 802 and 802 D proves other wise.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	802 117v.PNG
Views:	200
Size:	279.3 KB
ID:	53581

                  117v with 75w lamp!

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	802 100w 117v.PNG
Views:	199
Size:	114.0 KB
ID:	53582

                  A D version at 117v with a 100w lamp! Both 60Hz.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	802 240v.PNG
Views:	187
Size:	46.8 KB
ID:	53583

                  Then back to 802 with a world range of voltages but not 250v! I guess there one of them too.

                  My initial thought was the 802 was for the US market but clearly all over.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Brian Fretwell View Post
                    I'm sure some were also badged as Prinz for sale in Dixons, but I can't see them there after a quick look. As they were more like the Bolex, I assume they were in those totals, I'm sure there weren't too many.
                    prinz for dixons are actually hidden in the Revue numbers.


                    • #11
                      This is awesome Stuart! Werner had send me the mail to. I have the serial number lists which i also got from Werner so i can see which serial fits the year it was built specifically but these sheets are an awesome adition to it!

                      i do have some copies of hand drawn schematics and i think what you have here is an improved and readable version. awesome, i will print them, seal the in and put in the reference binder i have (and my digital eumig research archive)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Stuart Budd View Post
                        I previously thought that certain models were region specific but the 802 and 802 D proves other wise.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	802 117v.PNG
Views:	200
Size:	279.3 KB
ID:	53581

                        117v with 75w lamp!

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	802 100w 117v.PNG
Views:	199
Size:	114.0 KB
ID:	53582

                        A D version at 117v with a 100w lamp! Both 60Hz.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	802 240v.PNG
Views:	187
Size:	46.8 KB
ID:	53583

                        Then back to 802 with a world range of voltages but not 250v! I guess there one of them too.

                        My initial thought was the 802 was for the US market but clearly all over.
                        The Mark 802 is also one of the most common projectors here in Holland so no its not a US only. i have several, none of them are maximum 117 volts because they are for the european market and have the 250V transformer


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Erik Snel View Post
                          This is awesome Stuart! Werner had send me the mail to. I have the serial number lists which i also got from Werner so i can see which serial fits the year it was built specifically but these sheets are an awesome adition to it!

                          i do have some copies of hand drawn schematics and i think what you have here is an improved and readable version. awesome, i will print them, seal the in and put in the reference binder i have (and my digital eumig research archive)
                          Thank you Erik. Werner probably sent you the same XLXS sheet. All I did was print as PDF adding some breaks for pages and splitting the sheet between larger groups. Basically, trial and error.

                          When searching Eumigs last year, your YouTube videos were great inspiration. If the serial list is available to share, that would be great as I'd love a copy. Bit like Tesco, Every little helps!

