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Eumig S938 sound issues.
Check the fuse anyway, if it is blown it might have another reason other then the external speakers. The HQS amps suffer from bad Caps in their power supply. when they short out the fuse blows and keeps blowing. Cutting the biggest capacitor off the PCB will solve the problem temporarily and then you know that it needs replacing.
if it was a fuse ,
there would be no sound at all. Give those ext sp sockets a good clean I’m sure it’s the problem. These things come to try us !
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Hi, there was a very feint sound with the volume turned up full at first which vanished,ill check the fuses tonight when i get home i didn't know about the fuse near the lamp fan, ill try switch cleaner John it can't hurt,funny thing is there's a 940 just been listed on e-bay with no sound. Russ
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Hi Russ
maybe if you haven’t used the Eumig ext sockets before they could be at fault, try using switch cleaner and pushing speaker sockets in and out a few times, good luck.
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Did you find that the sound returned when you were just listening to the Eumig's inbuilt speaker? If not, then it would be worth looking at the fuse. There are two - one on the lower PCB for the sound section, and a second near the lamp fan.
The Eumigs work with 4 ohm speakers from memory - even if the Elmos were 8 ohms I wouldn't expect any damage to have been done by them.
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Eumig S938 sound issues.
Hi All
I was projecting a film with stereo sound last night and decided to use my S938, i have a pair of Elmo stereo extension speakers which i plugged in[this is the fist time i have used them with this projector].I projected the first reel with no issues except the sound wasn't as good as i expected its usually excellent on this projector [when projected through its own speakers].When i started showing the second reel there was sound from the off for a couple of seconds then silence,i suspected the film at first as its new and i thought that there was an issue with the sound stripe or no sound track recorded on it but after trying it on another projector i found that the sound on reel 2 was fine.I took the front off of the 938 and looking at the PCB in the bottom of the projector base there is a glass fuse,just wondered if this is the amplifier fuse? i'm also guessing that plugging the extension speakers in has probably caused some kind of issue as the extension speakers sockets have'nt been used for such a long time.I would normally have just changed the fuse and that will probably be what happens when i get home but it was late and i was up early so left it and thought i would ask if anyone had any thoughts on the problem or it anyone had experienced similar issues with the Eumig S938, grateful for any comments.Russ.Tags: None
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