Are any of the sound projectors 8mm only and 8mm and super 8mm
I have mostly super 8mm films but they have no sound except maybe one or two and I have one or two standard 8mm films that have sound
I have 3 projectors only one has sound but I think it is super 8mm only, its a Eumig 903S
I am prepared to pay for a projector but cannot find any online anywhere that say 8mm and super 8mm only all seem to say super 8mm,
Are any of the sound projectors 8mm only and 8mm and super 8mm
I have mostly super 8mm films but they have no sound except maybe one or two and I have one or two standard 8mm films that have sound
I have 3 projectors only one has sound but I think it is super 8mm only, its a Eumig 903S
I am prepared to pay for a projector but cannot find any online anywhere that say 8mm and super 8mm only all seem to say super 8mm,