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Hervic "Minette S-2" 8mm-Super8 editor can't mount regular (old) 8mm reels..

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  • Hervic "Minette S-2" 8mm-Super8 editor can't mount regular (old) 8mm reels..

    I am beginning a big project of digitizing about a hundred old family 8mm movies...(sound familiar?). I have a nifty Hervic Minette S-2 editor that I used when working with Super 8 in the more recent past...70's, the older 8mm are from the late 40's and 50's.. My "issue" is that the reel hubs on the wind/rewind arms of the Minette are the larger Super 8 size and I see no way to use 'regular' 8mm reels on them. It looks like the only way around this would be to 're-spool' the 8mm film onto Super 8 reels and then mount it that way.

    I really don't need the Minette Editor to do any of the actual digitizing...(BTW, I'm using a Wolverine Pro and my first few reels have worked great!), but it would be convenient to have the Minette available for 'off-line' viewing/splicing if needed as well as to use the film winders/rewinders so as to not have to tie up the Wolverine in the slow process of waiting for it to rewind. I DO have a second vintage Elmo film editor, but the Minette is so much nicer, easier to view..etc. I'm just spoiled...

  • #2
    Looks like the Elmo editor is going to have to be used for the Regular 8 stuff. You could also treat your self to dedicated Minette 8mm Viewer/Editor.


    • #3
      Stuart...thanks for your reply...I'm pretty sure there is no 'remedy' for the VERY nice Minette editor I have now. It has a moveable transport guide assembly that is clearly marked for Super8/8mm...but all of my attempts to find smaller spindles have been in vain...!!


      • #4
        If it's dual8 format viewer/editor, it would be very odd to NOT to have Regular8 - sized reel spindle with added on Super8 adaptor. Can't help but I only suspect that this viewer is actually for Super8 only, therefore Super8 size reel spindle only.


        • #5
          Nantawat...Yes, that seems logical, so I had a second, longer look at the nameplate on this Viewer...and I see why I was under the impression that this was a dual format viewer. Where they had an area on the label to indicate the format, it was written like this:


          In my defense, the type was very small and the "8" ,(just one large 'double-height' font "8", I can't type it exactly...) is the same size as both of the Super and Single labels together. And I do remember getting this editor many years ago when I was working with only Super8...back in the late 60's....!

 conclusion, thanks to your observation/suggestion is that this is NOT a dual format editor. Now...on with my 'regular8' project...!
          Last edited by Klio Hobbs; February 21, 2022, 01:14 PM. Reason: A bit of research led me to additional info about Super8 vs. Single8


          • #6
            And....after doing a Wiki on "Single8", I've learned that it is/was a product of the Fuji Company. The film format was identical to Super8 in terms of sprocket spacing, image size and sound track, which are the same as the much more familiar and successful Super8. It differs in the size and shape of the magazine as well as being thinner. Other than that, it is compatible with Super8 devices such as projectors, editors and splicers. Again...a search on Wiki will provide a lot more info. Thanks to the responders here for leading me to this new knowledge...Old dogs actually CAN learn new tricks, it seems?


            • #7
              And some less scrupulous manufactures did count Super 8 and Single 8 as different formats and call their equipment "Dual gauge" as it could project both as could any Super 8 or Single 8 projector.


              • #8
                Out of curiosity, I did a tad more research and found the picture of this viewer's actual label. Oh, I see what you mean.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	s-l1600 (1).jpg
Views:	308
Size:	145.5 KB
ID:	54954
                (Image shamelessly stolen from you-know-that major auction site.)

                "Apology for the misleading information on our product. We will make revisions to this issue in the next model lineup in the future."
                Probably what the reply letter from the manufacturer would be, if someone back then wrote a complaint letter to them.

