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Eumig also made projectors for Porst. Noris more notable projectors also wore Porst branding. The MT10 something akin to the Noris 322. I think.
With Porst, I think you're buying a multi brand offering and not, say an Eumig or Sankyo or Elmo etc... A Porst could be manufactured by multiple parties. As Maurice mentions, in this case a Yelco. The Noris 410 seems to have two body types too!
It has a very modern body type! Does anybody have any idea as to when this projector came out? Near the end?
The 410 (Single track) and 412 (2 track mono but playback 1,2 or 1+2) were the very last Noris projectors, I believe. I bought my 412 when it was being sold off by Burlington Cameras as I thnk they bought the last of the stock in the UK.
I've done some more digging and found that Porst were a German retailer who had manufacturers badge products for them. I should have done that first!!!