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Trek Movies

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  • Trek Movies


    I was curious, I'm aware that Next Generation and Star Trek: The Motion Picture were made as full features for Super 8, but were any of the other OG crew movies (2-6) ever made available as full features for the format?


  • #2
    There is 3x400 Star Trek Wrath of Khan there might be feature print of it also in Germany plus an one reel promo reel Star Trek 4


    • #3
      It does not seem likely. Since Super 8 being used to show movies on airplanes was replaced by Video8 sometime after 1984, I would think there would not have been a large enough market to justify it. The Wrath of Kahn was very popular, so it would have been a good candidate of Super 8 release. If you don't find any record of it being on Super 8, you probably won't find any others.


      • #4
        I know for a fact that Star Trek 4 made it onto super 8 as an optical sound feature for the airlines, so, though I have never seen one, it is possible that Star Trek 1 -3 might have made it into someone's collections, though, if they have them, they are keeping quite silent about it. Number 5 came out in 89, I believe, so it probably doesn't exist on super 8, nor 6.


        • #5
          Was Star Trek The Motion Picture an official feature length release? I thought it was only 3 x 400ft from Marketing Films? And that awful promo reel that Marketing flogged as a 400ft version.

          Regarding Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan, it was touted by Marketing Films as a release in 1982. Marketing were the official super 8 distributers of Paramount product at that time.

          Marketing in New York collapsed and the super 8 version of Wrath of Khan was never released. Although several 3 x 400ft edits with Marketing Film leader did seem to escape. Perhaps test prints, but in the usual format of Marketing's masked from the widescreen original.

          Mike, you don't have one do you? I missed my chance on one years ago.

          From my understanding, Derek and Derann would have of course loved to have reprinted Marketing product, but the myth is that Paramount told him that if he wanted to pay the millions outstanding in unpaid royalties, then he could have them.

          It seems that the lack of Star Trek product on super 8 is more down to Paramount's lack of interest than any determination by 8mm distributers.

          Generations made it to 8 in scope around the late 90's. This was classed as an "Import", which was kinda code for, well, you decide...

          The quality was excellent however, being sourced from a good 35mm print. Oddly though, it transpired that a brief scene was missing from it.

          Osi, yes, I missed my chance on one of those ex-airline optical prints of Star Trek 4 many moons back.

          Apart from several trailers and promo releases, I don't know about any other pirate releases, but would be fascinating to hear about them.


          • #6
            Quite right Rob, there is a less than a minute scene, In Star Trek Generations, albeit exciting, missing in the Derann Super 8 scope feature. It is during the evacuation of the Enterprise and before the cut to the saucer detaching. Some plot pertinent dialogue is missing. A real no-no for most Trekkers, but to have A Trek print in Scope? I will live with it. Quite right to point it out though!

