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I thought I should share the 2006-2007 Derann Super 8 sound catalogue with fellow members. derann-2006_2007.pdf (super8database.com)
The demise of Derann was a terrible loss to all film collectors.
What a fascinating read Maurice. I didn’t realise that they offered so many great titles. Unfortunately being Super 8 they were off my radar as I only collect Standard 8. I also love older titles , b/w of course. I can imagine how upset collectors worldwide would have been at their demise, however the films purchased will live on as a reminder of Dereks commitment to bring top class films into collectors home cinemas.
The loss of Lab North must have been a bad blow to them, they never found another lab that could provide the quality of prints at the price they needed to survive. Being saddled with that massive building (in later days a great part unused but still eligible for business rates) didn't help either.
Derann made a real difference in film collecting for me. I was actively collecting new prints from 1978-1980 (16-18 years old) and dropped out a bunch of years for college, model railroading, old car restoration, dating, engagement, getting married, being married, graduate school, career and home ownership. In 2002 (40 years old) I went back to it. It was a lucky break that at the same time I had the desire, the time and the money (...somewhat), there was also somebody still selling the films!
It was the old-school film collecting experience, just like I had as a teenager: basically nobody can afford the whole catalog at once, but you get to know it by heart, kind of imagine what all the ones you don't have are like, and strategically buy them in ones and twos!
From 2005-2009 I worked in a cubicle and needed a way to go on the Derann website without being visibly on the Internet. (Someone told on me! Probably NOT a film collector!)
So I copied the website data into a Word document!
I have an office now: Derann can bring their website back. 😉