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Supergirl flight Never Say Never Again motorcycle chase Capricorn One aircraft chase The NeverEnding Story flight The Hills are Alive introductory sequence from the Sound of Music
The quality is variable: for example, the The Hills are Alive, Never Say Never Again and Capricorn One are sharper on screen than Supergirl and The NeverEnding Story.
Well, this is "Scope 1" - Scope 2 has totally different clips, as mentioned above, e.g. a scene from Star Wars end battle. Interesting that is was from Derann, since my copy doesn't have the Derann-Logo and the quality of the print is not good.
'This is scope 2' had clips from Theres No Business Like Show Business , Romancing The Stone and Star Wars Unlike the first release there was no narrator
This Is Scope (the 1st one with Supergirl, etc) was also sold as a promotional package together with a scope lens and universal holder back in the mid 80's by Derann. A nice way to get collectors into 'scope films.
It's one of the few (if only) releases that I have from that era that has faded to pink. Maybe Derann used older left over Kodak SP for some of the prints?
Graham's print looks good so mine must be a duffer, although it looked good back in the 80's!
I remember I recorded a pseudo surround effects track on track 2, which would boom out of the surround speakers at certain points.
I bought mine new during the 1990s sometime, so I guess the fading film stock from the 80s would have been used up by then. I also bought "This Is Scope 2", however I don't think the print quality of some of the included extracts were not that good "very grainy". The Star Wars extract however I felt was fine, I still have it. Between the two releases, I think the first one was better overall
I'd love to see a YouTube of "This is scope 2"! I've never seen that one. I wonder if the Scope 1 on YouTube was a fairly late one, as the cuts, print quality isn't too good. I'm comparing the edits to Deranns 600ft digests, which, as a general rule, when you have an edit, it's not as messy looking as in Scope1. Some of the later copies of the digests, however, can be messy, but maybe the care in the early digests was left out later.
I'd love to see a YouTube of "This is scope 2"! I've never seen that one. I wonder if the Scope 1 on YouTube was a fairly late one, as the cuts, print quality isn't too good. I'm comparing the edits to Deranns 600ft digests, which, as a general rule, when you have an edit, it's not as messy looking as in Scope1. Some of the later copies of the digests, however, can be messy, but maybe the care in the early digests was left out later.
Osi, I‘ll post it on YouTube next year. It’s on my off2 schedule.
Meanwhile you may compare the copy of „Scope 1“ I already put up on my YouTube-channel with the one Graham uploaded.
Last edited by Joachim Schmidt; November 15, 2022, 07:50 AM.
Osi, the print quality and grading was always very variable through the various scenes on these prints and the negative joins noticeable. My print is an early one an although maybe a few less negative marks, the joins were always like this.
I can only guess that it is the result of making a collection of scenes from various masters - both 35mm prints (NeverEnding Story / Never Say Never Again) and 16mm negatives (Supergirl).
I imagine a separate 16mm negative of each extract was made and then spliced together for the super 8 print? Which would explain the white negative joins.
Very different from editing a 35mm print to then produce a 16mm negative for printing to super 8 as a digest.
A question for Ged at Blackpool on Sunday maybe?!
Just goes to show the trials and tribulations back in the analogue age!