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Eumig RS 3000 instaprojector

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  • Eumig RS 3000 instaprojector

    Just a bit of background on myself first as its my first post.
    I have some experience in electro mechanical machines such as record jukeboxes from the 60's and 70's and mechanical slot machine but I am a fairly recent to the world of projectors. I have an operating Eumig super8mm/8mm projector and a 16mm Bell and Howell 2592.
    I recently got hold of a Eumig RS 3000 projector but am having a problem with the gear movement. When set in forward or reverse the drum gear above the worm gear is fairly noisy and doesn't seem to make a 100 percent contact with the worm gear. I noticed that there is a bit of play (movement) on the shaft of the gear, up and down and side to side by 1 to 2mm. Its enough to stop the contact. If i apply slight pressure from the top of the drum gear it operates smoothly. Would anyone have any ideas if the shaft can be adjusted or is it normal for the shaft to have a slight movement in it. I have attached a few photos with my finger pointing to the gear in question. The existing belts I have ordered new ones as they are slightly warped but i don't think new belts will cure it
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Welcome, Sean!

    I worked on one of these once and it's the Chinese Puzzle Box of projectors. I actually had a decent feeling what was going on, but it was so hard to get to where the trouble was I had to admit defeat, put it back together and return it to its owner.

    I've had a couple of people suggest I open up a home business repairing projectors. This one is a case study in why I will never do that! (-that, and the lack of spare parts, and the lack of documentation, and the lack of spare time! How to turn a successfully relaxing hobby into a stressful second job!)


    • #3
      yes it is a puzzle box and so hard to take apart. I might try to add some type of spring loaded device to keep small pressure on the shaft. It may be the internal core of the ofum gear has worn out and meets to be replacex


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sean Callaghan View Post
        yes it is a puzzle box and so hard to take apart. I might try to add some type of spring loaded device to keep small pressure on the shaft. It may be the internal core of the ofum gear has worn out and meets to be replacex
        Have you thought about contacting Van Eck Services to see if they have a new gear for this model? Edwin makes new gears using 3D printing technology. He may just have what you're looking for, if of course this is what's causing your problem! Here's a link to his page for the RS 3000. Looks like there are some new gears for sale. Even if he doesn't have what your looking for, he may be able to make you a new gear.
        Last edited by Shane C. Collins; December 15, 2022, 07:31 PM. Reason: ,


        • #5
          Yes have ordered new belts a few days ago didn't get the gear yet, just need to get my head around dismantling the projector internals

