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Gs 1200 popping noise

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  • Gs 1200 popping noise

    One of my Elmo GS1200's has an annoying problem- it's making a popping noise that gets louder the longer the machine is on. It's not there in the rewind mode... but it's there when I turn the bulb off so it's not the bulb fan hitting something. I have the projector in a booth so I can drown it out but its really bothersome. If anyone has any ideas of a possible fix, please let me know. The machine was recently serviced and in great shape other than this.

  • #2
    Hi Brian,

    It sounds to me like it isn't coming through the audio, right? When you turn the sound off it's still there?

    I wonder if some gear in the drivetrain of the rear arm has become cracked: something that is disengaged when you are in rewind.


    • #3
      Is this the same machine I sold you that you sent to Leon? Is there any way you can post a video of it making the noise?


      • #4
        Hi Larry - No this isn't your projector... (that's another story! The transformer went so it's back with Leon. Ugh. Still love that projector so getting it fixed. Anyway, back to that popping noise - will try to capture it on camera this weekend.
        Last edited by Brian Hendel; March 09, 2023, 07:22 AM.


        • #5
          If you're using headphone outputs to connect to a stronger amplifier this could be the cause. Your projector volume could be turned up too high.

          change to aux out on the back of the machine never use headphone except for headphones

          I say this, because I had it happen to me as soon as I switch the connections the problem went away, and has not come back......

