I have an optical feature of "Westworld", that has a final reel that for some odd reason, had some kind of thick or sticky dirt. OK, I know that I CAN clean it with my Film guard, but it takes going over the same foot or two four or five times. Obviously, trying to clean a 600ft reel in that manner would take a rediculous amount of time. Therefore, is there an immersion method of cleaning film, which will allow me to deep clean the film, without harming the emulsion. Since it is an optical feature, there is no fear of losing a mag track in the process.
No announcement yet.
Immersion film cleaning?
Ain’t these ultrasonic cleaners large enough for smaller reels? (And there are also larger ones.)
Of course, it might also be possible to put one of those 10€-cleaners between two reel-holders and then only clean 30cm (one foot), then manually advance the film and clean the next section. (Cleaning a 15m-reel would probably take an hour this way.)
I wonder if you could use an ultrasonic cleaning device for LPs for cleaning films? (Instead of rotating the LP, it could also advance the film, couldn’t it?)
BTW: There are already readily available S8-cleaners:
(Okay, you will probably have to sell your firstborn and a liver, but…)
E.g. BB Optics offers services like „film inspection“, … so they might be able to clean the film for you:
Spectra Film and Video does ultrasonic cleaning, here's what they say about it! Now whether they will clean films not processed at the lab, I'm not sure. A phone call or email may provide an answer.
Ultrasonic Film Cleaning
After any lab assembles film and adds leader, a proper cleaning should always be applied to remove handling dirt. At Spectra, we now use the Lipsner-Smith CF7200 ultrasonic cleaning system with all telecine prep services to ensure professional results. The 7200 provides full immersion cleaning in a warm bath of solvent while ultrasonic agitation and gentle buffing is applied. This is known in the industry as the safest and most effective way to clean any motion picture film (acetate, nitrate or polyester)!
https://spectrafilmandvideo.com/lab/Last edited by Shane C. Collins; May 20, 2023, 05:42 PM.
Quote from MMT:
Media Migration Technology is the successor to the famous Lipsner Smith Company, the world’s leading provider of motion picture Film Cleaning machines for 60 years.
MMT design, manufacture and support a brand-new updated range of ultrasonic film cleaners, which provide a host of new features and optimize either HFE or perchloroethylene solvents.