With some of my projectors now more than 50 years old, I thought it would be interesting to post on how they are holding up. So here goes startung with the oldest first:
Pathe Baby Fully functional
Pathescope ACE Fully Functional
Standard 8mm
Kodak Model 50 Fully Functional
Revere Model 80 Fully Functional
Bolex 18-5 Fully Functional
Super 8mm
Eumig S802 Not working/ parts only
Eumig S820 Sonomatic Fully Functional
Eumig S824D Sonomatic Fully functional
Eumig S926GL Track 2 not working
Eumig S938 Stereo Track 2 not recording but stereo playback fine
Emo GS1200 VERS 1 No sound from track 2 thru back panel sockets, but fine thru line out socket
Elmo GS1200 VERS 2 Fully functional
Not bad at all after all this time! Eumig 900's seem to fail on track 2.
Pathe Baby Fully functional
Pathescope ACE Fully Functional
Standard 8mm
Kodak Model 50 Fully Functional
Revere Model 80 Fully Functional
Bolex 18-5 Fully Functional
Super 8mm
Eumig S802 Not working/ parts only
Eumig S820 Sonomatic Fully Functional
Eumig S824D Sonomatic Fully functional
Eumig S926GL Track 2 not working
Eumig S938 Stereo Track 2 not recording but stereo playback fine
Emo GS1200 VERS 1 No sound from track 2 thru back panel sockets, but fine thru line out socket
Elmo GS1200 VERS 2 Fully functional
Not bad at all after all this time! Eumig 900's seem to fail on track 2.