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Kodak Ektachrome 100D availability

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  • Kodak Ektachrome 100D availability

    I was going to order a roll of Kodak Ektachrome 100D today, but it seems everyone is “temporarily out of stock”. Tried about 5 places that I know sell it. Does anybody know of any places in the USA that have it in stock?

  • #2
    Hi Dave,

    Have you tried Kodak themselves?

    Kodak Film Catalog

    Call KODAK Customer Service: (800) 356-3259, use prompt 3, then prompt 1 (Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00pm Eastern Time)

    There is also an E-mail for ordering film scattered throughout the catalog.

    I wish you the best of luck with this, maybe even at least partially for selfish reasons!
    (I'm of a mind to order some 100D myself one of these days!)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Steve Klare View Post
      Have you tried Kodak themselves?
      Not yet, but that was my next plan of attack. I’ll be on vacation in a few days and I was hoping to use that time to experiment with my Yashica camera. If all else fails, I might try the B&W Tri-X, although the exposure tweaks would be different. We shall see…


      • #4
        If nothing else, I’ve found Kodak cheaper than retailers.

        -besides: even if nobody has it right now. Kodak will have to be the first to have new stock.

        This may be a good sign: maybe demand is more than they expected!


        • #5
          B&H is stocked out too, but the list price of 100D in S8(50 Feet) and 16mm(100 Feet) there is the same $64.95​!
          (In stock with 4 times as much film area!)

          If I had a 16mm camera, I'd be sorely tempted to go that way right now.
          Last edited by Steve Klare; June 19, 2023, 11:57 AM.


          • #6
            Can’t you simply stop by at DuAll? (Okay, they have moved to NJ, but it still shouldn’t be far away from Long Island.)


            • #7
              At $54.95, they are listing at $10 per cartridge cheaper than B&H, and in stock too.

              At $42.99, Kodak is cheaper still!

              For me the best option would be a backorder at Kodak (assuming they don't have stock): I actually have a couple in the 'fridge and am not desperate.

              New Jersey is further from here than the miles might make you think: all of New York City and two major river crossings are in the middle! The last time I went there somebody tipped a big dump-truck full of broken concrete next to the Belt Parkway, and even though no lanes were blocked, naturally the whole world needed to take a long look! (I had no such troubles driving on the Autobahn!)😁


              • #8
                100D supplies have dried up, at Pro 8mm CA USA, Film Photography Project USA, Wittner-cinetec Germany.

                100D Film still available for now, from Spectra Film & Video CA USA


                Widescreen Centre London UK

                Vanbar Photographics Melbourne VIC Australia



                • #9
                  A 25-ft. roll of Kodak 8-mm. Pan cost $2.00 in 1940, processing included. That would be $43.45 today.
                  A 25-ft. roll of 8-mm. Kodachrome cost $3.40, processing included. That would be $73.86 today.

                  Ektachrome is a more complicated film than Kodachrome was but the developing process is much simpler than Kodachrome’​s.


                  • #10
                    I can recall in 1985 or 86 buying fresh Super 8 Kodachrome from NYC camera venders with processing included for $5. each (there might of been of a minumum order but I do not recall) . I believed the film was shipped to Europe for processing but the turnaround time was not bad. When I started shooting 8mm in 1964 , I bought 2 rolls of double 8mm Mirachrome ( identical in color to the original Kodachrome) for $3. when on sale at E J Korvettes and that price included processing for both rolls. The Mirachrome colors have not faded to this day.


                    • #11
                      I contacted Kodak directly today regarding the availability of Super 8mm Ektachrome. Here is their reply.

                      Our Super 8 reversal films are unfortunately still on backorder/out of stock. We are taking a temporary pause on new orders so we can focus on the manufacturing delay and our backorder list. Please note our color negative films are not affected. We are very sorry for the continued inconvenience and are working to get this product back in stock as soon as possible!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dave Bickford View Post
                        I contacted Kodak directly today regarding the availability of Super 8mm Ektachrome. Here is their reply.
                        Well that's good and bad really. It means Ektachrome is selling well if they are in fact out of stock, and filling back orders. That tells me 7294 is a healthy reversal stock at the moment. I really like this stock, once I tweaked the exposure for projection! That one stop more light just really brings out the colors and sharpness. I have 3 carts of 7294 in the freezer, plus one cart of 7285. I haven't decided when I'll shoot that older expired Ektachrome, but one of these days. It's been frozen since new!


                        • #13
                          Ektachrome 100D is no longer available from Dwayes Photos USA, Analogue Wonderland UK & Film Never Die Australia.

                          100D is available for now from.

                          Yale Film & Video USA,


                          The Old Film Campany UK,


                          Walkens House of Film Australia,



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rodney Bourke View Post
                            Ektachrome 100D is no longer available from Dwayes Photos USA, Analogue Wonderland UK & Film Never Die Australia.

                            100D is available for now from.

                            Yale Film & Video USA,


                            The Old Film Campany UK,


                            Walkens House of Film Australia,

                            Once Kodak produces enough Ektachrome I'm sure these companies will have some in stock. As stated above they are filling backorders.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rodney Bourke View Post
                              100D Film still available for now, from

                              Vanbar Photographics Melbourne VIC Australia

                              It is quite surprising that Vanbar is still in business. I reported the same place about 20 years ago in this very old link:


                              Based on the above lini, in 2003 a K40 silent was around $11 with processing included. That was the cheapeast price I found worldwide. At that time I have to ship the exposed cartridge to an address in Sydney then they would forward it (with other people carts, I think twice a week) to Dwayne in Kansas. When it have been processed, Dwayne would distribute the film to respective address at their cost.

                              I was in Melbourne in 1996-1997 and actually have once met Rodney at one of 8mm fair. I even still keep (until now) one of your publication which was photocopied style with a blue color cover. I will scan in if I have time. Do you remember it Rod?

