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Decided to dabble again in 8mm!

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  • Decided to dabble again in 8mm!

    Hi all,

    a few will know that over the years I have been connected with 8mm and 16mm. In my time had some wonderful projectors and amazing films.

    I then moved into primarily video projection for presentation right up to full HD 3D.

    But..i have often enjoyed your posts on this forum - and certainly with the Covid19 virus situation - I'm also a front line NHS staff member in the U.K.

    I decided after reading so many posts and feeling the very "real" tactile element of the hobby as you guys so passionately write..I decided to go out and buy a couple of Super 8mm sound projectors and a few films..just to have a hands on touch with the hobby again.

    So, it'll be fun.

    The memories are still there!

    Best to all.

    P.S looking for any advert reels with pearl and dean and 400 digests.


  • #2
    Mark Silvester WELCOME BACK!


    • #3
      Hi Janice

      thank you - i really enjoy your posts and the passion for the hobby.

      I managed to buy a nice Eumig S802 and a Chinon Sp330 - good basic machines that I have had in the past. The new purchases are guaranteed both have been serviced. Got the pair for £160!! I couldn't turn that down!

      Take care all and stay safe!



      • #4
        Well done, Mark!

        I've never been much for the all one way or another way of thinking when it comes to home cinema. I said it's not the same before I got a VP and I still say it. That's why six months after I added a VP I added 16mm too.

        I like it this way: it helps me not to feel like I'm in a rut because I can make a turn and go in different direction whenever I feel like it. On a given night it could be 8mm silent, sound, scope, 16mm, DVD, Blu-Ray or streaming. (S8 sound is still the go-to.)

        I also find it's easier to interest the rest of the family this way: sure the shorts are classics from my film collection, but the feature can be basically anything. (We've been doing a lot of screen time these last few weeks!)

        It's funny: a couple of years ago we had a gent who had gone purely digital show up at CineSea for old times' sake. He wanted to spend the weekend with his old friends and enjoy some film banter and screen time. On Sunday I saw him walk out to his car with a newly bought 16mm machine and a couple of cans of film.

        -you want to quit smoking, it pays to avoid that alley near school where the kids with cigarettes hang out!


        • #5
          Ah Eumig you see ! He.
          Hi Mark and as they say we all go back to our roots. Loved my HD video projectile but did go nuts and upgraded to 4K projection just for sentimental films and those blasted memories and watching scans of my better S8 home movie efforts saving the masters. Ill be a small scale 4K collector most certainly but I do notice a much crisper 3D image upscaled.

          Really looking forward to our S8 Hammer Films event here this weekend. My wife and I will be huddled together round a Fujicascope, Elmo projector and the only two attendees.


          • #6
            Welcome back Mark!

            Actual film really is hard to walk away from. I tries back oin the early 90's and was back into by the dawn of the new century.


            • #7
              Welcome back to cine Mark! Yes we all love DVD's and Blu Ray's , but there is nothing quite like projecting reel film and all the fun and interest that goes along with it. Good luck, let us all know how it works out.

